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pomba gira

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Everything posted by pomba gira

  1. Black sarong with multicolor Laurel Burch kitty print, tied as a basic dress.
  2. We'll be in town this afternoon for the 05 Clique Juggalo Mini-Gathering on Belle Isle... but don't know if we're making an evening of it 'cos we can't really afford to get a room... so if we find someplace free to crash we'll be there... any generous souls w/extra floor space can call me celly 517*** 285***9644***
  3. bummer, it's really overcast up here. It was very bright last Monday night tho... I was at my auntie's house to the west of town, far enough out that gorgeous celestial displays are often visible
  4. Tranquil Nights: Nature's Retreat (one of those calming/meditation CDs from the rack at Target... I have a shitload of 'em that I use for background music in my classrooms)
  5. saw it OK but something on the page crashed my Firefox... I'm thinking that satellite map thingie is the culprit
  6. 1. Eating leftover tom kha gai that I made for dinner yesterday 2. Remembering how lusciously studly Tokagemaru looked chopping branches in my yard yesterday (you know us juggalettes love guys with big axes!)
  7. Just finished vol. 4 of GetBackers and vol. 13 of Samurai Deeper Kyo
  8. I would certainly add us if I were a MySpacer... but I'm not, due to being terrified of underage kids. So anyone who wants to be my friend has to do it thru boring old Yahoo 360
  9. I am heavily into literature & film of the fantastic so that's the easiest & most natural way for me to see it. We're all different tho, that's what keeps the world interesting & makes it fun to discuss films like this. But even if I just look at it as "she dies at the end"... that's prolly a better fate than being a traumatized orphan in Franco-era Spain. But I guess that POV depends on whether or not you think death is the absolute worst thing that can ever happen to someone... I don't but I have a pretty different outlook on that than most people, so I wouldn't expect most people to agree.
  10. It was a happy ending because she made it out of the mundane world into her true kingdom.
  11. Today we saw Pan's Labyrinth which I loved... beautifully shot & even a happy ending! I am very much into fairytale themes & re-interpretations so I probably would've liked it even if it weren't so visually entrancing. This was my first foray into a movie theater in about 10 years, so it was also interesting just being in a contemporary movie house and seeing how they've evolved from the stark, utilitarian mall multiplexes of the '80s & early '90s. They are really into creating a total experience nowadays- just like the old movie palaces of the 1930s-50s (like the Fox). Yeah... Why Paint Cats, that's the 3rd one... first was Why Cats Paint. My sweet but gullible stepsister (who sends me every dumbass email hoax that comes down the pike) sent me an email that's going around about Why Paint under the impression that it's a "real" book (which the email implies) . I gently pointed out how difficult it would be to get any cat to sit still for a paint job like the ones pictured, among numerous other implausibilities. But yeah, those books are all hilarious... such a great send-up of these "artistic movements" that take themselves waaaay too seriously.
  12. Actually sat through & enjoyed a whole movie with Tokagemaru (I am a terrible movie watcher & T. takes his movies very seriously)... when, Sat. or Sun. nite I think? It was called Eating Out and was silly but cute, with very engaging characters & cool art design. We watched another one Wed. nite, Eurotrip... this one was much sillier but nowhere near as entertaining. I didn't do as well that time. Sorry, lovey!
  13. Just finished the March Shonen Jump... just in time for the new issue to show up on my doorstep, yaaay! Last TV- Las Vegas on Fri. nite. I really like this one, it has a sense of humor that's totally lacking in most TV shows of this kind. Last DVD - porn sampler from Priscilla's... it was actually somewhat entertaining, really nice looking production on all the features and one or two moments I actually found erotic. Is that another spoof book by the Why Paint Cats people? Seems like I read about them doing something like that.
  14. some trip-hop type stuff on the Dissonant Radio station on Live365.com
  15. Giving Copernicus (Tokagemaru's 30" savannah monitor) a bath Coloring a mandala picture Baking cookies and debating whether to stop by Priscilla's on my way home.
  16. It seems to be dividing equally now... I think I may have just been looking at the wrong stats before. Duh. That's weird about not being able to hit the SETI server... I haven't had trouble except for last week when I couldn't get any stable net connection for a couple days. But that was a Comcast issue... OR WAS IT???!!!
  17. Doing my taxes (depressing) Looking for silk boxer shorts on eBay (mighty slim pickins) Looking for a copper table fountain on eBay Making a valentine card for my sweetie
  18. Nazi Girlfriend- Iggy Pop (courtesy of Tokagemaru)
  19. Periwinkle blue mesh/lace Delta Burke bra (plunge) & panty (boyshort) set, camo capri pants w/embroidered rooster on one leg, gray heather knee socks, turquoise, moonstone, & MOP rings, turquoise Fred Harvey bracelet, my own bracelet, necklace & earring... and the contented glow of love. gawd I am getting sappy!
  20. black tshirt w/HST "Gonzo" logo, black mesh cheeky panties w/turquoise & purple embroidery & ribbons.
  21. Yup. I was hit by a van about 12 years ago, and it's still very hard for me to step off a curb if a car is coming- doesn't matter if it's two blocks away, I really have to force myself to take that step. And for the first few years after, I couldn't do it at all. If there were moving cars anywhere in sight, oh well- I just had to stand there till the road was completely clear.
  22. Switchblade Symphony- Sweet (Serpentine Gallery album)
  23. I am the same way sweetie... I hate to sound like I'm whining or complaining so there is probably a lot of support I could be getting from friends that I don't. So... I know how much courage it took to share all that. Props to you lovey. Also have experience w/un-diagnosable medical issues... nowhere near as serious as yours & I've learned to live with it, but it's helly frustrating when the best anyone can come up with is "sorry, don't know what to tell ya- prolly some autoimmune thing from all the slop you've injected into yourself over the years". So I imagine it's a million times worse when the problems are keeping you from living your day to day life. There are people here who care about you very deeply. I don't know you as well as many others here do but I can tell you're a righteous person & I have enormous respect for the work you put into this joint. Don't be afraid to let your friends support you, OK? People care. Think of it this way: it is MUCH more of a burden for friends to worry about you and not know how to help, than to have you ask for help that they can actually give. Really.
  24. Thanks for the info! that's cool... my figure is more "hourglass" than anything else
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