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pomba gira

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Everything posted by pomba gira

  1. Most people of color... well, my color anyway... are much too conservative to be into anything like this. Plus there are very strong cultural taboos around doing anything that's "for white people".
  2. giving up on the 128mb memory stick I just tore the place apart looking for... & getting ready to get some sleep for the drive tomorrow.
  3. don't know 'bout the city but up here it's running a little under $2.20. Interestingly they lowered prices for the weekend instead of raising them as usual... hate to think what that may portend!
  4. Damn... I love Fourth Street Fair... used to sell jewelry there every year. Was thinking about snagging vendor space this year but... too much going on. I will however definitely be at CC... how could I miss the most righteous Brenda!? Plus this may be the last time I'm well enough to go out for a while... I start my interferon therapy when I get back from the Gathering =( so I want some fun memories to sustain me thru all that...
  5. Twiztid- Man's Myth (not sure which track is on, just got it yesterday)
  6. lavender lace cheeky pants, black satin embroidered bra, plus several silver/turquoise/mop rings & a Hatchetman earring I haven't got around to taking off yet. You've prolly figured by now, I don't wear much around the house when the weather's this warm... the outer layer's all gotta go w/in 10 minutes of walking in the door.
  7. ooh, that sounds pretty! as for me: dark blue embroidered lace-up front wrap pants, black cotton bikini panties, black lace bra, and (not on yet but in a minute when I leave home) black Dark Lotus wife beater, black platform thong sandals. Plus the usual pound or so of turquoise/silver and my own jewelry.
  8. Re-reading The Crucible of Time by John Brunner, and A Silver Thread of Madness, Jessica Amanda Salmonson. Don't know why I'm having such a hard time starting anything new.
  9. I really want to go but doubt I'll have the energy to make the drive... plus I can't afford a room & staying w/my mom means hanging out for an extra day or 2 to make her happy... *sigh*... life is so complicated when you're pretending to be a grownup... we need to get a capitol area CC carpool going... Hell, you can come up here & do that- we've had a shitload of sightings of what's thought to be a mom bear tryna ditch her 2 teenage cubs I would say it's a bit far to walk from the RenCen- take a taxi. Hell I would come & get you if I were going (esp. after seeing yr pics- you're gorgeous!) I wouldn't worry about safety, downtown is like a giant donut shop since the casinos opened... but it is a hike, and a fairly confusing one if you're not familiar w/downtown. I've been told the cell phone ban is to avoid people taking pics of all the scantily clad young lovelies & thereby exposing the club to potential litigation. It's all good tho, the coat check is cheap & stress-free. They even let me check the knife I forgot was in my purse last week.
  10. Y Young, Gifted & Black - Nina Simone
  11. Yeah but for guys it doesn't matter if the sex is actually any good or not... it matters a great deal for women. Finding a partner who is likely to be worth the time & effort is the hard part. true dat... when I was 30 my bf at the time went to prison for 3-10/5-20 yrs... I promised not to move in w/anyone else while he was gone... broke up w/him after about year & 1/2 but in the meantime I learned to be alone... and to be OK with being alone. It was the longest in my adult life I'd lived on my own and it was the best thing that could've happened to me. Learning to be complete and secure in one's own company is such an important lesson... especially for women who are often socialized to believe they are incomplete without a partner. This will seem to contradict what I just said but I'm kind ov in the same situation... I left Estranged Hubby Rick almost 4 yrs ago & have been on my own (& mostly celibate which is TRULY weird for me) since. Now I'm starting to think I might want someone special in my life again... but I have no idea how to go about it. I've always just kind of stumbled into relationships, it was never like I was actually husband hunting or whatever. So even if I wanted to go looking, I have no idea how to do it. Especially since I have almost no social life compared with back then. I do believe that the right person will come along when they're meant to... but I have to wonder, how will he/she find me when I hardly go anywhere but work, the grocery store, & the park? Heh, guess I'll just have to have faith & be alert... maybe I should at least start making offerings to ErzulieFreda... And then again, it's sooo nice to have everything exactly the way I want it in my own home... I'm very territorial, & thought about this a lot over the weekend after I witnessed a disagreement between my mom & stepdad over some household issue. It will be really hard to learn how to compromise again!
  12. Soundtrack from The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly - Ennio Morricone
  13. E Escape From the Prison Planet - Clutch
  14. A lot of us have that kind of weakness sweetie- it's called "being human" :confused
  15. Procrastinating (getting in the shower, getting dressed, and running the numerous errands I need to get done today) I would love to be a professional student... sometimes it seems like doing school stuff is the one thing I'm really really good at.
  16. ah, a true Maslow-ian peak experience... those rock indescribably
  17. Reddish/earth tones batik sundress. Delta Burke black satin bra w/red embroidery, black satin Delta boyshort panties w/pink ribbon trim, silver/labradorite bracelet & necklace; sterling/amethyst panther bracelet, sterling, turquoise, & labradorite rings (6), pewter scarab/turquoise earring, quartz chip anklet, black Emily Strange bandanna.
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