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pomba gira

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Everything posted by pomba gira

  1. Eight... from oldest to most recent: crude little male/female sign on L arm, Samhain cat on L arm, dopefiend heart design on R arm, fancy savastikas on backs of shoulders, Social Distortion dancing skeleton logo on R arm, "Lotustika" savastika/Dark Lotus cross hybrid "butt hat"; horribly messed up Hatchetman and Nkyinkyin symbol, L. calf. The studio owes me some free/discount work for the Hatchetman/nkyinkyin... can't wait till school's out so I can start getting it done.
  2. cruising eBay, hunting: (a) a new stun gun to replace the one I left at the Ramada last month (b) silver... turquoise... must have more...
  3. Ennio Morricone, soundtrack from The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly I remember seeing that very creepy video on MTV like 20 years ago... don't think I've heard the song since then but I remember really liking it...
  4. black satin boy-cut panties & the headwrap from the outfit I wore to work.
  5. Troy staggered up to me & gave me a card at CC last month or thereabouts
  6. no... just a changeling who still can't believe where I ended up. Is that what was meant?
  7. I used to live in Hamtramck... at 2 AM when the bars close it's like rush hour traffic... it was amazing. I can't imagine whole countries ov people who drink like that. We lived over a bar that catered to an ethnic group which shall remain unnamed here... every nite there were girlfriends being slapped around under my windows, "fights" w/5 or 6 guys teaming up on one ... we saw some poor bastard get beat unconscious by 5 dudes who left him lying in the middle of Joseph Campau (main street of Hamtown). I wake up every morning & thank all the loa I don't live on that corner anymore. What's the craziest place you ever lived?
  8. Trying to get thru Freeware by Rudy Rucker; more successfully reading the current issue of Shonen Jump and some Animerica back issues. I may give up on Freeware (for now) & start Look to Windward by Iain M. Banks instead. I recently re-read part of Go Ask Alice after about 30 years... can't believe I ever actually thought it was written by an adolescent girl Haven't read Lolita, but I did read another Nabokov book called Ada, on the same theme of forbidden desire. It was loooong and tedious. I am going to go lie down now- I'm overcome by being on a board with actual literate people. Most of my recent online time has been on juggalo boards, & as at least one other person in this thread can attest, the Juggalo Nation is not real big on literacy.
  9. Thanks everyone... looking forward to meeting whoever's at CC tomorrow nite! Thought I would chill & pack tonite but just found out I have to baby- & elder-sit all nite so oh well. & after an utterly exhausting day subbing w/the kindergarten class, too. Everyone pray I don't fall asleep & roll the Expie on the way down tomorrow morning!
  10. OK I'll definitely be there Friday but Sat. depends on how ragged out I feel after (a) Friday (b) driving up to Lansing at 8 AM Saturday © turning around & coming right back (d) whatever chaotic strangeness happens Saturday afternoon...
  11. ... k I wasn't sure if these were to be answered here or somewhere else... if I've screwed up I'm sure someone will let me know so here is... Current location? Lansing, but I kind of bounce back & forth betw. here & the city Where from? Detroit Work? Teacher (special ed, k-8, charter school) School? not right now, thinking 'bout going for my Ph.D. in a couple years Kids? I love being an auntie but being a mom never sounded fun to me Married? on paper, but separated for 3+ years now Single? effectively (for all the good it does me!) Hobbies? way too many for how much time I have Other Stuff? I just saved a bundle on my car insurance! & I heard about DGN when Troy gave me a card when I was celebrating my birthday @ CC a couple weeks ago
  12. no 'cos hotdogs are nasty enuff w/out fecal-looking slime poured all over 'em ... beef tongue?
  13. hm... I have a homie who used to be a bouncer at CC, he can get cheaper rates there but don't know if he's gonna be running w/us this weekend... but mentioning the club is certainly worth a try... thanks!
  14. Thanx nice people! Wow that's a lot of questions... during the school year my brain shuts down at 11:00 PM so those will have to wait till tomorrow (even tho it is spring break, it takes at least 2 weeks to reconfigure myself for late-nite cognitive processing). Hope to see u all @ the City Club this weekend, I'm there Sat. for sure & Fri. probably, depending on what the juggalo action is after the concert. Speaking ov which, do we get a DGN discount @ the Ramada? (Parrrrteee in Hille's room!)
  15. nope... only drink once a month nowadays due to some unfortunate liver wack-ness. what's the last thing over $100 you bought for yourself, strictly for pleasure?
  16. y'all don't know me (yet) but I'll be there... likely Friday too, depending on how the Psychopathic Allstars festivities go
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