And that should be the extent of your view. Again, this can't be that hard to comprehend. If you are not actively serving your country, your opinion matters NOT, as it is not one of the many that ARE serving the country.
DADT should be reviewed by the Pentagon as it is, and let the results of the study then do the talking. As Gen Amos has said, and talking with any active member of the military (heres one), the response to the repeal has been overwhelmingly negative.
Just because a tax payer is my "boss" does not mean they have any say in what I do. The President is my boss, and lucky for me, the UCMJ super-cedes the president in many aspects, DADT being one of them. So, if this is going to change, congress has to do it, not the prez.
And I think it was candyman that was complaining about lack of equip/poor quality for the Army.. Maybe you have not noticed, the Army is the MOST funded of all the branches, and their ground units get new shit on a REGULAR basis, yet the Army has sustained more causalities in IRQ and AFG than the Marines, who for a LARGE period of time had more combat troops on the ground, in the cities, doing to job 'some other guys' couldn't do. (Fallujah anyone?)
You don't hear (the most underfunded branch) Marines bitching about the lack of armor, do you? Nope. Why?
Well, maybe if the Army started TRAINING their soldiers like the Marines train their Marines, the Army just might 'get it'. It's about making do, and doing the job, no matter what.
And by the way, the saying is "Every soldier Marine A Rifleman"...
BUT, at least we can agree that over-turning DADT would destroy the military. And that is what civilians won't understand until they cowboy up, sign up, and go and fight.
A change of DADT start at boot camp. We already separate men/women for the obvious and not so obvious reasons, now we need to seperate gay/straight for the same reasons. This will cost more than it is worth.