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Everything posted by BladeOverBullet

  1. Did Kendo for the first time last night after multiple years of inactivity. Feels good man!
  2. You are an Anti-Hero You are not a traditional hero, but you're also not a true villain. Caught in the gray area in between good and evil, you have the potential to be an epic hero in the classical tradition, but you also can deliberately choose to follow the dark path. Celebrate both your positive and negative traits, because there cannot be light without the balance of darkness. Others may see you as a villain, but you know that you are exactly who you are -- an imperfectly perfect human being! I am very okay with this!
  3. I've been doing martial arts on and off for most of my life, but haven't been able to practice in a long time due to the costs of joining a school and, well, life in general. Does anyone here practice, whether it be traditional arts or more modern practices?
  4. Addiction is a constant, uphill battle. Some days you feel like a rock star, some days the urge is so damn strong, that's all you think about. For me, it was the first two weeks getting away from the demons that haunted me. The cold sweats, the anxiety, the inability to focus, the irritability, it was total torture. While it's not easy, it will get easier, but allow yourself some grace. Fighting this isn't a straight, linear, upward sloping line. You are going to trip and fall, that's just part of it...just as long as you don't stay down. You will get through this. You got this!
  5. Plus I think the popularity of BBS sites in general kinda went away with the popularity of modern social media platforms. That might not have helped very much.
  6. Actually, I signed up for this forum decades ago back when I was in college. I had totally forgotten about it since it was associated with an email I don't use anymore. I somehow remembered my old password and managed to get it back. Horray! Plus, one of the mods is a friend of mine and actually posted on FB that this site was back up and running. I had no idea it was still active until a couple days ago.
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