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Everything posted by know_buddy_kares

  1. heh, kinda on the aloof side to really be a groupie, if you wanna keep me you gotta put a collar on me otherwise i'll just run away...

  2. I added you as a friend too, hope that makes you feel loved now :p

  3. ahh, yeah i just had to dig back a post... still though... wouldn't a yankee watch baseball? I mean, I wouldn't wanna say a conneticut yankee and a conneticut non yankee sound the same... that would be prejudice don't you think?
  4. Find a yankee from Conneticut and find out
  5. This is why I'm glad you're running this site and I've never attempted my own.. If i did... I'd be so fucked it wouldn't even be funny.
  6. sweet deal, hope it works, if not oh well, i'm pretty laid back about things and if it don't work, oh well, it's not really a big deal to me, i'll just give a heads up incase ya don't know and let ya get to it when ya get to it.
  7. watch the scene in wizard of oz where you can see one of the munchkins hanging from a noose on the side (if you have wide screen origional version... if not.. good luck finding it)
  8. Oh give us some time, we be lazy...

  9. ugh... some days, i just wish the days were a living thing so i could shoot those days...
  10. i feel you on that, it's just something that will come in time...
  11. would glady leave the holy hand grenade at home and spend some chillout/cuddle time on the couche with you and the bunnies watching movies... just not carebears.. don't ever let me see a carebear... it's instant freak out and watch me kill something sorta primal panic those fuckin things put me in... fuck carebears.. they're fucking evil. but bunnies are cool.
  12. trust me, i've been to the state of insanity, i have done a swan dive head first over the ledge and past the point of no return. from facing one brutal situation to the next, i've not had a pretty life and i have been very hardened by it all, then i suddenly realized that insanity is simply relative, it's all on the perspective of things. and I can handle life very well, i've been clean of weed for 2 months now. and alcohol for one month. but shit.. it sure was fun as fuck when i was doing that stuff though. But during the trips through my hell and insanity, as well as the vacation on my weed binges.. i've come to one conclusion... fear nothing, don't look back, and in wichever direction you choose to go, give it your all, even if it does mean you're crazy to do that, that's the only way that I'll be able to acheive any such goals i want, along wtih finding someone decent in my life. and when I find that special someone... it will be the match that everyone else will be jealous of.
  13. you know... there's stuff out there for that... it's called weed.
  14. I actually miss old school games... Mario bros and duck hunt was the best... just when my rat was still alive, he chewed through my NES power cord and i've not been able to find a new one since... sigh...
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