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Everything posted by ManicQueen

  1. You're unique, just like everybody else Lucky Numbers: 6 8 86 73 49 99 Lmao!
  2. A bit shaken up.. just woke up from a pretty bad nightmare.
  3. I think TA needs a hug! I feel awake damnit. Like today my son is getting his big head shaved.. might bring back the "Natehawk."
  4. Brooke = Your Supervillain Name is Valentina Bile
  5. My hair is about 98% closest to my natural hair color too.. its been a good 15 years since I've seen this color. I'm feeling like this new room mate is gonna drive me up the fucking wall eventually.
  6. A little irritated.. found out my car was broken into again, more than likey by the same person, and my radio, amp and speaker box was stolen. I hates people!
  7. Like I have no interest in my new roomie. Like my other roomie and I are about to play on my yoha ball. Like today is going to be a good day.
  8. Like I have a happy heart and a content mind.
  9. Taking a coffee/smoke break and emailing my hunny.
  10. Like I hate going threw paperwork and itemizing shit. Like today it sucks to be a female! Cold and crampy! Still feeling
  11. I feel like I woke up feeling sicky and blah...
  12. Happy to finally have internet at home. Like today is going well and I'm feeling good. Getting irritated with Yahoo mail.. not working atm.
  13. I'm about to go home, unpack a few things and then take a power nap.
  14. As soon as it starts warming up I'm going to start walking in the evenings and hopefully do some camping this year.
  15. I'm waiting on family so I can go and take care of business.
  16. Irritated that I can't go get my own belongings and that I have to have my family do it for me. Stressed because I don't know what to do with my car. I'm feeling very overwhelmed today. :(
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