Its nice to see someone else who feels this way.
Excited about my bo staff training seminar I'm going to today.. should be lots of fun.
Looking forward to going on a date tonight, it's been a long time so.. kinda nervous and I'm feeling out of the loop.
Just got back from my daughter's school.. had to change a few class's for her.
About to make breakfast then head on out for another exciting day... yay!
Medicating myself with cold/flu/cough medicine.
Going to get dressed and go to Krogers very soon. I do my grocery shopping at the butt crack of dawn or late at night.
Waking up in the morning to a new day.
Laughing so hard, my belly hurts.
Thunder storms and rain.
Fine chocolate
Long talks about science, religion and the afterlife.
Doing yard work. (it's relaxing to me)
Watching the sun set.