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Everything posted by ManicQueen

  1. It's very true when they say how addictive ink is! :woot: B~
  2. I have 10 tats! They are up and down my arms, back, neck and ankle. I'll be getting another one soon, background done on my arm. Zenji and I usually get one or more done every six months but since I was pregnant most of last year I couldn't get any. So I guess I'll just have to make them up soon. B~
  3. 1 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes 0 guests, 1 members 0 anonymous members ManicQueen B~
  4. 6 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes 0 guests, 6 members 0 anonymous members ManicQueen, Ginevra, JarodakaMister, Darque Knight, phee, Shade Everdark B~
  5. Yeah it kinda sux more than just a little.. but at least I get to play on-line throughout the day B~
  6. Ohh.. I'm making taco's tonight. Everyones invited! I hate working.. just felt the need to add that in :dizzy: B~
  7. Overalls and a white long sleeve shirt. :unhappy: B~
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