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About Sybil

  • Birthday 10/05/1977

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  • Location
    Harrison Twp., MI

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  1. Happy Birthday :D

  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. Greetings and Happy Birthday :)

  4. My link Wolfsheim - Kunstliche Welten..... it means "artificial worlds" in english. I come to you, hold your hand. Together we go through this wonderful land, which I have invent for you, with mathematical mind. A miracle here, A dream next to there. In the moment just here, but then its gone. I show you my face, but you cant see me. I know exactly, what you like. I make a new magic world for you, there is no rain falling. There is your truth important.I show you mountains. I show you lakes. Here, you only need to see it with my own eyes and not to appreciate. Never fear, you can go with me. In a big universe. All for you alone. Here you can be yourself. In neon-sunshine, I catch your wishes.
  5. My link Colony 5 - My World ....tears me up almost EVERY time i hear it....
  6. My linkTom Waits - Never Let Go ...he shreds me... sings my heart to me...
  7. I hate when people pull the "its all your fault" card....... .......aaand I hate that more often, I do this to myself.
  8. hello, love. <3 miss you terribly.

  9. I saw lovely familiar faces that I MISS seeing. xoxox YAY!!!! Great editing job!!
  10. She was one of my faves... I heard yesterday morning and my 1st thought was that it was her weight being below normal.. :( Its sad. She was my age. :(
  11. I am a woman. When I have had it, I have had it. I leave. I do not look back.
  12. sybillllyyyylylylyyyyyyyy

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