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Everything posted by The_Dark

  1. The Duty and Honor that comes with being a husband and father. Until my boys are old enough to fend for themselves and I have laid my sweet wife to rest.. Until that day that I can honestly look at my life and say.. "I'm done." I will keep walking down this long road called life.
  2. Scortched Earth policy. Common in war back in the day. You take what you can and destroy everythng else. Leave nothing behind you that the enemy might use.
  3. I sat at a bar talking with a guy about some rather cool subjects for about 3 hours while I waited for Black Flag to take the stage. I thought it odd he was drinking water the whole time, but never commented on it. Then when they announced the band he made excuses and left. I went in and did some slam dancing. At some point I realized that I had been sitting there with Henry Rollins the whole time.
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