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Everything posted by Dollardave

  1. I used to listen to that when I was 11 or 12 I had the Run DMC album. Hope your hannakuh(spelling idk) is going good eternal say hi to rachel for me. $$
  2. The Cops Bad Boys Song - Inner Circle $$
  3. I don't love you anymore - Wolfsheim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-3dCQTJ0_E $$
  4. I want kellygrrl to start posting again along with paperhearts shes another I miss. We got to party one night at luna with Tara. They did the girlie body rock thing haha. I miss her she was f'n cool. $$
  5. Do you do hellbound ads?


  6. Gratz you must be a very intelligent woman. College courses are hard. $$
  7. That was a nice thing to say why dont others talk like prick I think the board would be a better place, but not if people are called immature tho I think he meant agewise. $$
  8. Did u read that my favorite arabic restaurant La Shish was closed even the one on van dyke by me bet 15 and 14 mile they had the best hummus. They were closed and the wife went to jail but the husband fled to another country for giving fuckin donations to the Al Queda or however the fuck its spelled they're assholes. $$
  9. Hummus Sesame Tahini Lemon juice garlic garbanzo beans lebeneah(not sure of spelling its a goat milk product) you would have to ask your local arab market for the exact product Take em all put them in a food processor I sugggest garlic powder if ur a novice like me and walla u got hummus serve with pita bread $$
  10. I agree with ice queen that no one on the board is too old to get crushed on there was one person b4 in his 50s no names but he was but he left. $$
  11. I saw the movie it was 4 vcr tapes isnt that about some ruler? Then they kill two dudes or something it was gosh 2004 or 5 when I saw the movie I love Stephen King stuff. My favorite movie by him "Thinner" $$
  12. I read the Bible alot. I have alot of knowledge about New Testament and Jesus Christ, but I really need to brush up on old testament. I also read cnn.com news also and here in Michigan for those not in our state or country I read www.freep.com our local newspaper online. I like to stay up on news. $$
  13. I'm sorry to hear that. I have met u before through homicidal and at city and I think that you would be a hell of a catch for a woman that likes kids. Thanks for looking over my ex wifes daughter(my stepdaughter since her dad never calls and is a crack smoker punk I'm all she knows as a dad) when she was at your house for the picnic marc. $$
  14. I'm against it. I was addicted to it from age 17(maybe 16 too) to 23. When I went to get off it I had a hard time doing my job I was an inspector and felt like dying. Its mentally addictive. Hate to be the odd man out but we already have a well line of pharmacy drugs that we can take for pain without ruining our lungs I heard one joint is equal to a pack of cigarettes said someone that spoke to my school when I was in high school. I don't even like attending parties where pot is smoked or want to be around it. One of my friends smokes but I just told her that shes not allowed to in my house. I can't wait to hear my responses its just gonna go for more negativity towards me and I don't need it cuz my grandfather is in the hospital with congestive heart problems. $$
  15. I agree with prick all the lady dgn'rs are so crushable. The man definitely has a point. Theres only one tho that I'm particularly fond of both personality and looks but you'll never know she knows it tho. $$
  16. Did you go to the powerslave tour where they had all the egyptian stuff tom? $$
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP2h16m8X1Y My favorite 70's song. I was like 8 or 9 when it came out. $$
  18. LOL This song is in my youtube favorites. Like how he swings his hips? LOL.
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