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About granted

  • Birthday 09/28/1980

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  • Location
    Oak Park

granted's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. you could cut her speakers in half with a chainsaw, that's assuming you have one
  2. postal service - the district sleeps tonight
  3. dancing kittens http://www.rathergood.com/laibach/
  4. yes, it is quite demented :woot: at times...cabin fever claimed many a poor soul... i say when life gives you snow, build snow statues...
  5. hello everyone to answer some of the questions from your poll, troy... i'm currently located in shelby township i'm originally from grand rapids i work as a mechanical engineer in warren i went to belding high school and michigan tech univ no kids not married hobbies: computers, music, snowboarding, golfing, drinking i only recently moved to the area and somehow found my way to city club. there i met msmaldoror, among many other interesting people. she told me about this site, and introduced me to several members. seems like a great site, and cool people. i hope to meet / talk with more of you soon... grant(ed)
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