My kids got picked on soooo bad in school even though, one made Magna cum laude' almost validictorian......the other pretty damn close too.
They don't drink, think raves are 'stupid drugged out sex crazed fools' (they are right lol)
And work and practice whatever art they are into at the moment.....hanging out with a few select friends at what I lovingly reffer to as 'wholesome' events.......god are they mine? LOL!
Anywho, that being said......
They get picked on obviously, JUST FOR THE WAY THEY DRESS.
Thing 1 has had 1 boyfriend. He got wierd and controlling and said because she was a goth pagan she was influenced by the devil and she broke up with him.
She got picked on and people believed his lies about her being 'loose' and crazy because of the way she dresses...she already didn't fit in but then when this popular guy did this.....everyone believed him, even though she was STALKED for 6 months after they broke up, hell I almost had someone go do something to him......
People seem to think if you wear a short skirt and stockings you will put out without any emotional attachment......WRONG
She would rather sit home alone than have sex anyway......
She thinks sex is kinda gross.
Thing 2 thinks sex is TOTALLY GROSS.
Is still a virgin and wants to be seen as NON SEXED so she dresses as a man and has fooled one of my close friends who had not seen her in a few years this was funny....he was like who was that boy with you. She is proud when she pulls that off.
But because of this she too is picked on. Kids in school, especially guys......will say mean shit to was sitting in front of her in class, turned around....pretended to 'jump' when he saw her, and called her 'satan'. Her response? She 'pretend' casted a spell on him (we think he fell for it, he left her alone after that lol') and she hisses at people! I love it!
She gets this evil look on her face, starts doing this weird shit with hands.....mumbles some mumbo jumbo and/or hisses and they leave her alone after that.
One guy in the hallway tried making a pass at her BIG MISTAKE. He almost lost his hand when he tried to touch her. No one ever did that again.
I just hope when they start college dressing goth won't effect their grades, relationship with professors......students.....
Anyone know about the politics at college these days? When we were on campus there were not many.....and they are considering changing for its too important to take the risk for the cause if you know what I mean......maybe just dress this way out of school or work......?