I have friends who have had multiple abortions, and I in no way support bashing someone for their decisions...this is just where I stand. Of those friends some of these girls constantly use no protection, and just go in for an abortion whenever they get pregnant. I just can't agree with that. That is lack of responsibility.
I agree with this.....accidents happen I guess but thats just sick. You have to value human life somewhat don't you?
I remember when I was pregers I was sitting in the county health dept (I was poor, the care is free) and there was this lady in there filling out her questionaire. The lady behind the desk had to confirm how many pregnancies she was so shocked she couldn't believe it. This other lady had 18 abortions. WTF???? And she was pregnant.....and had only eaten potatoes for a month.
Spiritually I believe the soul enters around 4 months and that if you get an abortion before 31/2 months it is not developed enough to be concious of whats happening anyway.....but still. Common. Think people should have some morals about it to some point at least.
But abortion is better than a coat hanger or trash can. And unfortunatly there will always be ignorant people in the world we have to accomidate.....because for whatever reason......it seems they get pregnant more.....don't want them taking over! (sorry, that was in bad taste.)