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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. From the Ramada reviews thread Ha ha! Piss steam room! Oh um yah, thats gross huh. Oh well. I thought it was funny. Nice example of recycling?
  2. 40 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes 33 guests, 6 members 1 anonymous members Homicidalheathen, Yahoo.com, Google.com, pharoh, phee, Gigablast.com, Dark Overlord Of Evilness, Msterbeau, Troy Spiral, Cobion.com
  3. Getting ready to head out the door. Got an appointment and shit.
  4. Odds and ends....getting shit done. And chatting with A very cool dude on yahoo.
  5. OH god now we are following these two guys breakup argument. one of them posted this in a response to critisism about his blog tell all. 'shaddup lil bitch loose whore old man fuckee' Heehee nice come back dude.
  6. Hypnotizes all into binging on fast food with devout followers of the Mcdufus fat intake path and you all suffer from massive coronaries.
  7. 34 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes 29 guests, 4 members 1 anonymous members Homicidalheathen, Yahoo.com, Gigablast.com, MSN.com, Google.com, glc, Dubh Aingeal, Scary Guy
  8. Chatting on myspace...but I don't want their IM thing so its back and forth email...just waiting for his turn again. I dont want to download anymore crap on this puter. Its getting slow enough as it is.
  9. She gets head butted by my cousin Ralph who yells.....I NEED another SHRUBBERY!!!
  10. Women are confused and repulsed by creatures genitalia...which were not coverd by his smock....and he leaves the building rather flushed indeed.
  11. That does suck bad butt Life goes on and you will win tomorrow begins (my kid loves this thread)
  12. From the Haiku thread. I am sooo glad I am looking through that thread now. Tis quite funny!
  13. wishing my back didn't hurt and wishing I didn't have to do it again on tuesday but liking cash oh yes cash is good.
  14. Sends in strange little man who turns everything into a river of Chocolate.
  15. I seriously want one of these. Or this.
  16. Sends in Dolly wanna be to distract Jerry Springer wanna be. They run off to a cheap motel to make a porn together with 6 midgets.
  17. Spider girl is blinded by Trailer Trash ho's uglyness and gets a cavity from the cake.
  18. wondering if I should be there by 8 or 9 Pondering skipping the party later except its gay guys....and I love them.
  19. Sends evil spiderman to kick both your butts.
  20. Summons Yeti from the himalayas. TO COME STOMP YOUR ASS!!!
  21. ...and he creates his monster and unleashes it unto the world!
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