f-f-freezing my arse off. I got up because I thought I heard an owl so I wanted to see it. Turned out to be my kids nose. She was snoring some weird sounds tonight!
One friend just left....gotta go see another one in a minute....
Oh and I am chatting with a hottie off myspace.......who lives near me.
Its.......snack time!
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1 Members: Homicidalheathen
I am the only regular member on right now, whoo hoo!
Oh wait, does that make me cool.......or pathetic?
I need to get off the puter soon...
Yup snowflakes. Kinda go with cornflakes. Lol...sorry, its early.
And if a certain someone calls me today because he is basically bored....a loser...and wants to mooch off me I am not answering my phone.
Not my fault he ruined a good thing....he should expect this.
I am trying to make some new friends but its hard.
I hope I get to hang out with Mr Wonderful instead...
They are playing excellent old vids on VH1 tonight...have played at least 3 of my favoret songs from a long time ago......living in sin, look where we have been......living in sin......
And u2's gloria.....