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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. That I am beautiful. But I think he just wants in my pants. So It doesn't count really, eh?
  2. Wondering why the doctors office is closed on Friday.
  3. Spook and Davion. Now that is one odd couple I don't think I would want to see dancing together at CC. No offense, but separatly yah.....just......not together.
  4. f-f-freezing my arse off. I got up because I thought I heard an owl so I wanted to see it. Turned out to be my kids nose. She was snoring some weird sounds tonight!
  5. One of my kids said she loved me.....thats always the best thing to hear.
  6. Looking for a job I can do on crutches and emailing and making a grocery list....and....and......going crazy
  7. One friend just left....gotta go see another one in a minute.... Oh and I am chatting with a hottie off myspace.......who lives near me. Its.......snack time!
  8. thinking my date for Friday is a bit nutty lol.
  9. Nick snuggle down in nice warm cave? Heehee. Sorry, I just thought this post was kinda cute.
  10. looking up ticket master locations near me.
  11. I am wearing a jagger shirt and refferee shorts.
  12. Long flowing black skirt.....black tank and shirt.
  13. My dark blue oregon t and a pair of shorts with light blue clouds all over them.
  14. I crusha you head! I miss the boys in the hall. Isn't that where that came from?
  15. Waiting for Vampyro to get here so I can watch Donny Darko.
  16. supposed to be checking out a buiness website but still on dgn heh
  17. I am suppose to be getting paperwork done.......heh.......yah.......goddamn dgn addiction!
  18. From my damn sneezes thread! xxx rated sneezes......now thats funny!
  19. 2 User(s) are browsing this forum (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users) 1 Members: Homicidalheathen I am the only regular member on right now, whoo hoo! Oh wait, does that make me cool.......or pathetic? I need to get off the puter soon...
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