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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. Wondering if working out will make my oncoming cold come on, and not go away.......as I want to sing tomorrow...and....wondering why my friend hasn't called me back yet......
  2. A remote control telepathic orgasm giving machine! Woot!
  3. Dark Metal, you are so cracking me up with this one. That was good. When you come out with these let me know, my 6th sense is wanning these days lol! :cheerful
  4. Ghetto Chic. Velour faded sweats with hip huggers, a booby tank top.
  5. I am so goth, I am too good to be goth. Kinda like a black hole. :pirate
  6. Millinium Disco!!!! Ministry of sound 2006 and I am singing and dancing while I clean the house its fuckin groooovy man. Ok, I thought the Kelly Clarkson and MJ samples sucked at first....but now.....I even like those. Ahhhhh!
  7. Having the dumberer arguement with my kid over who's middle finger is more 'hard core'. I guess her's wins because of her chipped black polish as mine is as she calls it: covered in fairy sprinkles. (glitter)
  8. I am so goth I changed my name to be more befitting ha ha! How pathetic is that I ask you...... :confused
  9. Yup. I am so goth I drink pepto just to shit black. So there.
  10. Wondering if I can get my kids math class changed for next yr. She got str8 a's in everything but that then she goes and picks yet an even harder class for next yr.
  11. Yup, you need medical attention pronto!!!
  12. Waiting for someone to get up so I can call him. It seems like all my friends are a bit nocturnal.
  13. I gotta go clean part of the basement. Oh fun for me. And I am so tired....I just got done cleaning a bit of the upstairs. Oh and mulching the organic herb bed.
  14. I think we should write movies for the sci fi channel.
  15. I actually had a dream about myspace and DGN this morning. It was.....scary. Not the dream, just the fact that I drepmt it. (Is drempt a word???)
  16. Someone has WAY to much time on their hands. Hm, I wonder if I could fashion a penis out of this stuff? :blink :blushing
  17. Hee hee hee! This was in Reference to anal sex.
  18. Funny thing is, this probably applies to most of us on here.
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