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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. I meet these people in other areas on my life that for the most part used to be on here...maybe still are a bit here and there. Just kinda cool. Small world.
  2. Getting turned down for Lesbo sex makes me feel even more like a looser in the bedroom than I already am.
  3. Snort some of that hot sauce like the jackass guy did your nose should clear right up heh.
  4. Thinking I have two good reasons to go to Vancouver now. My two reasons for exhisting......pot and sex. Ha.
  5. (BTW that is a guy smoking a crack pipe not a pimp)
  6. So my doctor said my physical hallucinations are not metaphysical experiences......such as feeling like your floating out of body or sleep paralysis....but a symptom of narcalepsy. My new age freinds may disagree and I may opt for a non conventional no meds approach but........it does make me wonder.
  7. I just farted. Anyone wanna come smell it? I ate beans. :blushing :blink :erm
  8. Getting ready to work. And work more and go visit and stuff and stuff you know. Just get stuff done it sucks. I think I was partially officially diagnosed with serious neurological problems today life sucks. I guess neuro is better than metaphysical? Huh? Yah. Psychic vamps....no. Astrial travel......no. Genetic brain disorders yes.
  9. I am just consused by humans. Your all so overly complicated. ~sigh~ I will never figure them out and am going back into the woods to live with the wolves who love to lick themselves.
  10. Cleaning the house and getting ready to take some bags to goodwill and stop in and visit the MOTHER IN LAW! Oh no! Actually I love her, she is a cool sweet lady.
  11. Jerks. I am mad at the whole male equivelent of the population known as human. Use my idea to pick someone else up will you? Stand me up to go out with somone else will you? Forget a special moment we shared together and have the nerve to bring it up with someone else will you? Oh I feel better. As you were. =( :whistling
  12. From the horny blue balls thread. (Hey if they died that easy mine would have petrified a long time ago.)
  13. My kids are FORCING ME to watch japanese anime cartoons again. I am going to go pull out my hair now....
  14. I have been up to my shananigans again. We tormented the guy at the KFC so bad the other night for sounding like he was in an opera he got to flustered too take our order. Then we go to Wendys and there is a no aliens sticker on the drive through. You know, one of these with a line through it. So I ask the guy why they don't serve aliens......He didn't even know it was there till I made him bend his head waaay out the window....it was pretty funny.
  15. 2002 tribute to prodigy. Smack my bitch up I'm feelin all right yah..... Oh yah.
  16. I cannot eat until tomorrow. My guts hurt. I hate anyone who can just eat whatever they want and not get sick right now. Envy rears its ugly head.
  17. Fretting about Paul. I guess I will start calling jails and hosipitals at 3pm today damn it. Where the hell is my new buddy?
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