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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. Making my grocery list and cleaning up around here a bit.
  2. Drunkish. Bordish. Going to go to $$'s cause I want to hang out with Beans. heh.
  3. My witch daughter got me free pop at taco bell. I knew those 9 months of pregnancy would pay off! Hey......you might be a redneck if......you look forward to reaping the benefits of having your kid work in fast food. Gormet takeout! whoo hoo!
  4. Cleaning my kitchen. Chatting with a kitty cat. Names catseye
  5. Thats cool.....I wouldn't mind medtiating there myself. But my floor works just as well. Heh.
  6. Drinking pepsi and uh......farting. Hee hee! Sorry, I hung out with $$ so long now bathroom humor cracks me up.
  7. Oh and this Wow these are beautiful. http://www.asianart.com/mandalas/mandimge.html
  8. Oh and this. http://www.symbols.com/encyclopedia/28/281.html
  9. Reading this: http://www.santharia.com/compendium/fire.h...ols%20of%20Fire
  10. Chatting with this guy who says he can suck his own.....uh.......uh.....yah. I think I found a new freind.
  11. *Slaps Mark in the head* Wake up damn it and pay attention!
  12. Well your on the perfect site for it. Be Eeyore if you wish. I am watching Blind date and being sooooooooo glad I am not single.
  13. My cat just disemboweled a fake mouse and now there is fuzzy crap all over the floor. It is kinda cute.
  14. I saw one the other day where this guy is doing anal and goes right to oral with the same girl. I almost threw up. No condom, no washing.....
  15. Yah, I figure they only do it for drug money and are faking. Both of which are just.....ucky.
  16. $$ sent me Gruesome Twosome Hallucinogen Generation and it fucking rawks man. Heh, heh.
  17. What is with these people who just sit around spamming porn in local chat all day? Yahoo chat is ruined forever. Why do they let it continue? I wonder if they actually make a good living doing it.
  18. Ok, I have had enough of these young, single people.....who get all dressed up, go out and try to meet people and are to shy to say HI! Why bother going out if you refuse to venture from within your own comfort zone of friends you run around in a pack with???? Just say HI damn it!
  19. Smack my bitch ass up I am listening to some new techno I got today. Hardstyle sessions 2 disk cd sets 2 and 3.
  20. I am so excited! My sis gave me a 50 bucks (wooo hooo!) (rich bitch heh) Gift card for Borders! I got that HUGE book on Mythology on sale for 20 bucks! Did you know there really is a legend (Celtic) about a magic ring???? I love this book! So many new dieties to invoke...... And of coarse, Llewelyns magical almanac which I would have bought myself anyway.....and a book on Hatha yoga that is more my pace. I am a happy camper.
  21. I have to go do the grocery shopping. It is amazing how much these two skinny ass teen girls put away in food each week. :blink
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