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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. My doc said anything that can contribute to my migranes. I won't give up chocolate though.....I won't go down without a fight Take anything but the cocoa! I would almost die for it. I can so see the tea thing that happened in pearl harbor.
  2. I just gave up caffine and have a raging head ache.
  3. I just got bitched out by some guy because I wouldn't put out. Ass hole.
  4. Starbucks has the apple cider? I thought that was only at Carribou? Hmmmmmm going to have to go make a starbucks run, they just opened one at 13&1/2 and Gratiot too!
  5. I pheel like it, with creamer. I love creamer. Hazelnuts.
  6. I want it all, but can't have any of it! Waaaaaaah! DAMNITDAMNITDAMNITDAMNIT :devil
  7. Speaking of twinkle toes.......went to Mephistos one night and there was a real skinny guy in a ballet tutu. It was .......... scary....... :erm :fear
  8. I was at 7/11 today and there was a white dude in there buying a 40 at 7:30 am. Who the hell drinks that early???? Gawd.
  9. Nothing. I am going on a medical and spiritual fast for a few days so I won't be too sick to get tortured next week.
  10. Why are all the nuts attracted to me? Do I look like a squirel? So this guy on myspace writes me and says he is looking for a wife, I say cool.....but I am married. Lets get to know each other as I have some single freinds. He seemed cool. Ok so now he is in love with me and sending love poetry........we have never met.......I hardly even talk to the guy. Can you say, 'mentally unstable'?
  11. Weirdos welcome here. You ladies take it easy today. Now that is an order!
  12. I am tired of drinking. I have not been buzzed off of booze in a couple weeks now. It just makes me sleepy. Probably wont drink much from now on. I am bored with it. Like I am bored with all substances really. Bored bored bored...... Bored with people too and bars. ~Sigh~
  13. Not cow toungue. Or Stomach linning...or bloody stew. Just plain ol' Soy for me thanks. Soy saucage and homemade gravy over biscuits. God am I glad I am vegan except for the occasional neck bite.
  14. Helping my freind plan things for her daddy's funeral. I hate life today. Airlines suck. People suck.......
  15. Did someone mention POOP and Chicken in the same thread???? CHICKEN POOP! (ducks)
  16. My mail man is hot, I am going to jump on him in the bushes one day. I think he gets those firm round buns walking to mail boxes all day. He smiles at me allot but is probably just normal....I don't know. Most of my freinds are depressed goths and I am not used to people smiling unless they are having a psychotic attack or something.
  17. I just did my own toes. They look wicked. Dark blue with swirly white and gold decals.......ooohhh
  18. Everyone on my moms side of the family is bad at math. I guess I take after her.
  19. I awoke kinda depressed. Spook and PHEEE!! and Shade everdarks posts got me happy again. I don't know if I can survive my S.A.D. without you guys.
  20. Goth ninja. :fear They abide by their own creedo so look out!
  21. Ha! Spook! I think I woke the kiddies with laughter. I love drunken posts! Can't wait to meet/hang out with you. Unless of coarse I already have and was just to drunk to remember :whistling
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