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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. Baby I know how you feel. Everytime a certain someone IMs me I just want to go back on stealth. Ha get it? stealth for my mental health. And my phone is off......now you know why DD. I mean I love the guy but his actions hurt me and he cannot help himself. At least yours is just uh unable to commit. Oh that so does not help.....or maybe it does? Cad :devil Hi there You.
  2. I met you breifly you seem nice and I am not saying anything bad about anyone but........you deserve better M'lady even if it is only in time one has available to you.
  3. Seriously do you think it's worth a few grand cause I know some people lol
  4. Certainly not my husband. I have to dump freinds allot it seems =( Just got one freind back though whooo hooo! She stopped doing something very harmful to herself. Oh and her boyfreind this time ain't so bad either. I so hate it when she hooks up with someone I cannot stand. I can't just go over there and act like I like the guy and try to have fun when he treats my B/F bad yah know? Everyone who meets my man likes him allot.
  5. I am sick sick sick of being lied to and treated like crap. All of you on here are great though, no complaints. Man am I glad he is gone. Oh and what is with this beeping shit? People beep their car horns too god damn much these days. Like it changes anything. They beep at nothing and it just pisses me off. Yesturday some guy behind me starts beeping like I can move a whole traffic jam or like I caused the accident up in the road ahead.
  6. Goddamn fucking myspace sucksgoddamnfuckingmyspacesucksgoddamn.........hello......how are you today? Why fine thanks except I am having a literally cursed week Things breaking and falling on me....... Got rid of some wierd thing someone put on me but People being assholes in a gerneral kind of way....... Ok now I am done answering myself to blow off steam As you were :tear
  7. I am being bothered by someone and may go offline for a long time. I wish he would just like, die or something and I hate feeling this way.
  8. To be queen so I can get poked in more ways than one all day long. You know you want me to be happy, don't you? Make me your queen and I will order you all to have fun. In the most decadent and erotic ways possible.
  9. Run a oral marathon last night, did we Phee??? :whistling
  10. Morning oh mighty king of the goths.
  11. Heh Heh can always count on $$ to crack me up
  12. Ok, I have ASS CREAM on my face now :confused anyone want to ravage me? >It does seem to be working though<
  13. I might have to get a second knee surgery soon on the 'good' one this time. I wish I could just go to discount tire and get a rotation and be done in a half an hour with no pain. I swear my car is in better shape than me. Argh!
  14. What does everyone do this early? Pooping. heh
  15. I am no longer drowning my sorrows. People who hurt you then ask you for a 3 way with their new current girl freind are not worth wasting yourself over eh? Or people who go back to using drugs.......ect.......ect.......I am not drinking for awhile. Wish me luck!
  16. I am sad. I don't have many 'true' freinds. You know, the kind that don't just call out of need. Mostly they call only when they are bored.......need something.......or want to talk about themselves and their own problems. I get used for rides.......money.....smoke........contacts.... People have me fix up their songs and I dont get paid. Guys will fuck me but aren't really my freinds. After they get what they want they treat me like crap. Same goes for my man. He was seeing this girl at work and she just made over 100,000 on his job and work and he got a tiny little bonus check. Now she is being a bitch........I warned him it was too good to be true. I find him sexy, but women are greedy selfish backstabbing bitches in the corporate world. I have like one freind right now and we are having sex. I do like hanging out with her I hope when and if we stop having sex we stay freinds. I think sex ruines freindships at this point and we may not swing until next year as I need a break from assholes. Maybe you shouldnt be freinds with your swing partners but I hate just fucking people. ~sigh~
  17. Personally I think there is something in the water in that state......and if they would all just move HERE they would be ok...heh. Coarse I am being selfish.......
  18. I just want people to like me without trying to 'get' something out of me for a change. I am tired of being used.........
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