I just got back from the lake and it is so beautiful out....kinda waiting to see if my friend got home ok I thought he needed a ride but I guess not. I am going to bed soon.
Yes I do need to make some new freinds who arn't wierd or loosers. At least not totally. I get lied to allot....I don't think that makes me stupid, just too trusting. Maybe you should introduce me to some people at CC next time. :cheerful
Right now I am sitting here kicking myself in the ass again for getting taken advantage of....yet again......I need new freinds. :confused I hate people they lie and suck to fucking pieces. Thats all.
Ok so this number was in my mail box and it just said call me. Twice now. I wonder if I can block my number and call it. I have a setting on my phone for this.....does it work cell to cell anyone? All the time? I am thinking this is an old freind but what if it's just a wierd neighbor trying to get my number off of caller ID.
So this smell comes wafting through the house and I go looking for the source thinking: did someone just take a shit??? And I find Natasha (the only meat eater in the house) eating these stinky ass El Montery Chicken and Cheese Tequitos in the kitchen. Note to self: stay away from the bathroom tomorrow morning...it will be twice as bad coming out the opposite way it went in. :tear