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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. I think its a lil early to go all out in praise or bashing. Anyone who bashes....well I would like to see you get up there and try and do it better.
  2. hey wtf where is all your comments??? fuckfuckfuck!!! There. Now thats better. Oh and bloody guts and stuff. Yah.

  3. ...I too was thinkin'...that be some DAMN expensive poke chop try this on for size... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1218989/24-pygmy-hedgehogs-adopted-animal-lover.html
  4. Very well put indeed. As far as the addiction thing goes...if you hit rock bottom you usually develop an aversion to a substance then you no longer crave it. But who wants to hit rock bottom everytime? And as for the relationships gone bad thing....everyone tries to tell me to forgive and heal my heart and only send out pos energies... But my take is...to try to soften my heart towards someone means I have to think of them fondly. The only thing that works for me is to just totally forget it. But if you have to see them everyday (like a boss) then you have to try to look past it which is tough. Just don't pee in his coffee.
  5. Looks like me and a few pals will be there after all...I can't miss rev's show.
  6. I will be breaking out the web cape again this yr. Had put spider lady away as everyone had seen me in my spider lady costume like 5x...but Cats eye found this dress that goes with the cape and it just fits me soo well I have to wear it! Now all I need is a bag of those cheap web and spiders...which now come in purple...to put in my hair. so that means I have a costume for under 2 bucks
  7. I really wanted to go but avoid bars when limping...I am sending a couple in my place tho, sorta...they have not been out much and need a good party
  8. nothing compares musta been love unfortunatly for the past month or so two songs play in my head (dream theme music I call it) that were NOT my own. I have tried everything to get rid of it so I decided to try them technofied (if you can't beat it, join it?) and this is just a shame why take a good song and make it crap? At least the roxette song sucked...the other one... is ok I kinda liked it
  9. for each of me evil offspring...a mansion and automobile... for my partner and a few others...my sis...maybe me mum in law as well...hell take everyone! trip to new zealand
  10. ok this story is from August of 2008 but I found it befitting the halloween season, enjoy. (I heard it was because the natural disasters forced herders to move the cows, a normal source of food since one only takes a tablespoon from each host, its the rabies you have to worry about) At least 38 tribespeople in Venezuela, including several children, are thought to have died after being attacked by vampire bats. Although the precise cause of the deaths has not been confirmed, experts say that it was almost certainly rabies carried by the blood-sucking creatures. It is thought that the bats were probably disturbed by nearby mining, logging or damming projects, and were forced to find new prey — in this case, members of the Warao tribe. Vampire bats hunt only when it is fully dark and can survive on a purely liquid diet. Their hearing is highly sensitive to the sound of animals sleeping and they typically approach on foot, biting their victim then lapping up the blood at the site of the haemorrhage. Their saliva contains a substance known as draculin, which prevents their prey's blood from clotting. The experts who brought the highly unusual case to the world's attention include two researchers from the University of California at Berkeley — the husband-and-wife team of anthropologist Charles Briggs and public health specialist Clara Mantini-Briggs. They said that victims' symptoms included fever, body pains and tingling in the feet followed by progressive paralysis and an extreme fear of water. The victims also suffered convulsions and grew rigid before death. Charles Rupprecht, the chief of the rabies programme at the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, agrees with the preliminary diagnosis. "The history and clinical signs are compatible with rabies," he said. "Prevention is straightforward: prevent bites and vaccinate those at risk." Health officials in Venezuela have responded to the deaths with plans to send a medical boat to the remote villages in the Orinoco River delta. Outbreaks of rabies spread by vampire bats are rare but not unheard of in tropical areas of South America. "Vampire bats are very adaptable," Dr Rupprecht said. "Homo sapiens are a pretty easy meal". The 38 deaths have occurred since June 2007, with 16 in the past two months. One village, Mukuboina, with a population of about eighty, lost eight inhabitants, all children. During their study trip, Mr Briggs and Dr Mantini-Briggs travelled through 30 villages in the delta. The couple have worked among the Warao for years, and had been personally invited by indigenous leaders to investigate the outbreak. Dr Mantini-Briggs said she was surprised to find that many Warao villages now had cats. "They told us it was because there were too many bats that were biting the children," she said. The couple have been forced to take precautions themselves. Dr Mantini-Briggs said she woke up one morning in a Warao village to find blood on her sheets. She dismissed it as an insect bite but felt a pain in her finger and noticed two red dots. "I'm sure a bat bit me," she said. "I said, 'I'm going to get vaccinated'." Tirso Gómez, a Warao traditional healer, said that his people, who number 35,000, had never experienced anything like it. "It's a monster illness," he said. http://www.timesonli...icle4509833.ece
  11. A few of my tried and true techniques Anounce, loudly...that your tired and dirty and are going to take a shower, then come out and zone on the couch nakey and fall asleep with cheesy poof drool and it WONT BE PRETTY...then proceed to do so... Fart. Fart again. Make it 3. Shoot your gun at the ceiling (ok I didn't do it but my roomie did once) it works. (it was only a lil 22)
  12. wondering if my bud got his bday bj gotta go make a nosey phone call
  13. ...push myself to the limit my ass... You Crave a Physical Adventure Life has gotten a bit unchallenging lately, and you really would like to push yourself to the limit. You want an adventure that gets your blood pumping. You want to test yourself and see if you have what it takes. Whether you're climbing a tall mountain or sky diving, you won't feel like you've had an adventure unless you've accomplished something big. You love the confidence you get from taking risks... as well as the bragging rights! You Crave a Physical Adventure What Kind of Adventure Do You Crave? Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Annoy Your Friends.
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