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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. A bit nervous. I am doing a sweat and plant spirit journey today after fasting for 3 days in 90 degree heat. I am either nuts or one tough ass bitch. Oh well. What wont kill me will make me stronger.
  2. Ok now the ol man is complaining about the green, fuzzy pimp hat. and matching care bear (my kid thinks I need good luck) Well, ya know what? He wanted me to get rid of all the black and start wearing color (even though if I look at my immediate family...they are all wearing all black...even HIM)... and so I have embraced color. The whole frickin wheel of it at once. What did he expect? I would go down quietly??
  3. DEARBORN, Mich., Aug. 5 (UPI) -- A Michigan man said he was struck on the shoulder by a piece of an airplane while he was talking to his wife in front of his home. Wissam Beydoun, 41, of Dearborn, said he initially thought his wife had thrown something at him when he felt the impact on his shoulder, which he said left only a bump, the Detroit Free Press reported Wednesday. "I actually thought my wife threw something at me," he said. "Then I thought it was part of a chimney lining covering, so I started looking at my roof, my neighbor's roof. Before I looked at the piece, I was going to throw it out." Beydoun said he examined the piece and found "Aircraft weight on wheels inflation chart" printed near a serial number on the aluminum scrap. He said he reported his find to the Federal Aviation Administration. "My main concern is to pinpoint this airplane, because it poses a danger if it's getting ready to fly," he said. "From what this part indicates, it has to do with a cover of the wheel mechanism, you know, how the wheels drop down." http://www.metacafe.com/watch/125571/plane_hits_man_in_the_head/
  4. nice hanging with you yesturday

  5. Lol is it in appropriate to laugh cause this cracked me up big time quote: I'm going to rape her. And make her listen to Bauhaus. And I'm going to turn her into a VAMPIRE LOVING LESBIAN if it KILLS ME
  6. thanks for asking I am well

  7. i think hot chicks who are smart about critters are awesome
  8. my kid is wonderful she is always doing things for me she says i am her best friend and gets me little gifts all the time and wants to hang out with me every saturday night till dawn I love the other one too, just as much...but she is busy with her guy these days so I dont see her as much plus she is not as affectionate as the 2nd one when I was real sick thing 2 took care of me she cleaned the house while I was in the hosp and got me food and stuff. and she is more psychic than I in fact when i am with her I tune into things more then we see the same things
  9. someone said I look like a clown the other day. but thats ok cause thats the look I was trying for so... to that guy I say two middle thumbs up right back at ya!
  10. I too overcame social anxiety when I was young only to find people just take advantage... tis hard to have true lasting friendships but sitting alone is worse I dunno my fav saying right now is it is better to be alone than to be in bad company from g washington there are books that really do help thou on this issue on know someone who used one and got better it even helped with his stage fright web sites to with tips to help you start conversations and stuff.
  11. Hurray for milk thistle! This is good to hear, thanks for posting! I will remember this. Hugs to you and your kitty baby
  12. Feeling MUCH better, partner showing signs of improvement and has made a doctors appointment. Still a lil worried tho.
  13. wow jinxy, we have much in common... My family also leaves the butter out...never got sick on that. That way its always soft. My kid texted me earlier this year when my parents were up for a visit...they insist on the family meals taken together if in the same household... so my kid wakes me up with a text that goes: 'Is it safe to eat the breakfast??' Not everyone gets texts like this I am sure...but its amusing. I told her no, its not safe to eat the breakfast.
  14. Feeling the same way about my human relationships lately...at least I has kitties. Cats are better than people but the cuddles are just not the same. Hugs and don't give up lookin!
  15. If I were not so happy for you, I would be jealous...heehee! The midwest does suck, those mountains rule. I am sure when you get to the church club your cc pangs will be relieved. Let us know what its like, and post some pics!
  16. I too have quit drinking but still at the point where, staying out of bars totally is the only way. If I have one or two it becomes 5-6 so I just stay away for now. Finding true friends who actually care about you enough to find something active to do that does not involve their selfish 'drink with me buddy!' ways, is not easy. Staying out of the bars is best. Actually I have noticed most people who get drunk not just a beer or two...but drink everyday and/or get drunk at least once a week, are total assholes most of the time. It effects personality and makes people mean. Why on earth would I want to go hang out with a room full of that? Not enough sober people these days. Surprised how many close aquaintences I have that are in total denial about their alcoholism. Its NOT attractive.
  17. Crappy. My partner is having serious health issues. And I am very far sighted...I see things real good far away...its up close I have problems with...bifocals are coming soon. Isn't that nice? fuckin bifocals. fuck.
  18. well i have had food poisoning many times but never got high from it...man it was SEVERE I was in a public bathroom for a half hour didn't even know what it was at first...thought I got slipped something... I don't think its common for this to happen thus why I think I came close to death I really thought I was going to die for a min there... no pukey just pooey I think thats why I got so high I absorbed allot before it expelled.... My mom has a tin can of grease she cooks with on her stove (unrefrigerated) its a southern thing...so I am very familiar with the food poisoning bit.
  19. Personally love the combo of nature and industry....nice photos! Thanks for sharing!
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