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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. whinny people one of the boyscout handbook rules is to be upbeat and not bring everyone down oh and people who don't pitch in and do their share or take more than they need. Gluttons.
  2. The research team from the Taiwan University succeeded in producing three green fluorescent pigs. According to the professor of the University, Prof. Dr. Wu, these three green fluorescent pigs were the outcomes of this experiment, in which the green fluorescent genes from the jellyfish were implanted into three transgenic pig embryos. It produced three pigs that have their entire bodies emitting green fluorescent light.
  3. http://scienceray.com/biology/zoology/the-...imals-on-earth/
  4. Just want to add...little boys complain of taking out the garbage in this country. Mowing the lawn. How would you like pop to say...ok boy, time to go suck a cows ass and take a pee shower! I am sooo not praying I come back as a man in my next life anymore.
  5. another tranny cow (barnyard style) http://www.metacafe.com/watch/193346/gummy_bear/ this is soo fucking gross. http://www.videosift.com/video/Unusual-Tri...r-and-then-some
  6. Thinking....I need a break from ALL media right now except CD's or DVD's. I just saw a cow, moo out its ass. Need a break from humans too. They always drain you one way or another. Cats. Cats are good.
  7. I just sorta fell into it. Was already dressing, acting....believing and dancing a certain way just didn't label it 'goth'. Others do.
  8. I saw it. And liked it. Watched 4 movies this weekend and it was the only good one.
  9. I feel special. Cats always make nests out of my clothes...covers....everything. I must be loved.
  10. Actually I think its wonderful that your so humble all your dreams involve the spiritual/soul in a direct way
  11. congrats on all your hard work!

  12. If you follow 'fashion rules' then you know....too much of a good thing is hard on the eyes. Its called looking to 'busy' Keeping this in mind, what are some of your fav color combos? These days I prefer black red and white... Blue white and yellow teal, lavender, pink, yellow and lime green...together.
  13. Oh I sooo know I don't need to ask if you to have found CREATIVE moves for your um BIG BOUNCY BLUE ball.
  14. sexercize of coarse this clip is beautiful skinny chicks and techno...and poles...yah why do all the clubs around here play crap
  15. http://www.uspoledance.com/ they have a federation now
  16. all I have on is a tank and this skort thing that rides waaay up my ass I could strip in this thing. Pole dance anyone? We need a pole dancer emoticon
  17. I always thought he was on something too. No one is THAT excited about soap.
  18. I had two such things happen to my youngest. One I had an emergency and put them in the backyard to play. (should have been a padded cell) They were 4 I said, 'now mom has to instruct the construction workers for a min while they tear out the carpet...stay back here and DON'T CLIMB THAT TREE!' What do you think they did? Took off their shoes (which makes feet slippery), and climbed the tree. Thing 2 slips, lands with a stick up her leg almost in her artery. This happened within 2 minutes. Happening number 2. She is 8 yrs old. We have a pool...I usually watch them through the kitchen window while I am washing dishes. Well I can't see when your swimming under water which they did alot as they were/are excellent swimmers. I had told her many times, don't swim through the ladder, your hips are about to start expanding and one day you won't get out. What do you think she did? (she was alone in the pool at the time.) I didn't even notice this had happened and she didn't tell me until LAST WEEK. She is now 20. She said she almost drowned, she was about to take in water when she finally wiggled out of it. I remember doing the same thing many times....do exactly what mom tells you NOT to do. Most of the time I got away with it so I stopped believing her (just like my kids did me) and thought she was over reacting.
  19. Like the trip out to Waterford will be nice once I can get away from the bathroom for more than an hour.
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