Although most non-birders believe that the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is a fictitious bird created just for the humorous name, in fact it is a widespread species of small woodpecker. Its habit of making shallow holes in trees to get sap is exploited by other bird species, and the sapsucker can be considered a "keystone" species, one whose existence is vital for the maintenance of a community.
Adult Description
Medium-sized woodpecker.
White stripe running up side.
Messy black and whitish barring on back.
Male Description
Throat and crown completely red.
Female Description
Throat white or with only a few red feathers. Crown usually red, but may be completely black or with a few red feathers.
Immature Description
Juvenile similar to adult, but head markings obscured because of paleness, with black replaced with brownish.
Is this the bird woody woodpecker is based on...anyone know?
we saw one.