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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. I love the dripping black eyes!!!
  2. Did you just try to spam me???

  3. Did this happen? Did it REALLY REALLY happen? Who are you when your alone?
  4. you write awesome lyrics cix. TWO THUMBS UP!
  5. its snowing like heck here, glad I got yard work done and trees cut up before this shit
  6. I hope to have lots of public sex romps...sex in parks....parking lots...heh. The beach under the lighthouse in PH maybe...again...
  7. ...by the looks of things...spreading rock salt.
  8. lone deranger hallucinogen Deranger Demention 'for the opposite of insane, is unsane...' I am going insane, unsane...
  9. Awwww! beautiful setting. Did you get any outsider onlookers? I wish you both the best in your union of souls.
  10. relieved I don't have flesh eating bacteria from the stick I accidently stabbed myself with on Saturday
  11. I used to. I followed a book, you have to do it EVERY OTHER DAy YOR MUSCLES do remember, change your routine, or do upper one day and bottom the next like I did or you won't bulk up. Muscles remember and get used to the same thing all the time then they don't expand good. Weights changed my physique somewhat permanently I have bigger arms now even when i don't lift. Even though I hate it I can say EVERYONE should do it a bit, it changes you...revs metabolism so you use calories more efficiently Right now I do so much yard work I don't really need to. I have a weight machine and free weights in my basement. did the weights for my upper and skate/bike for the lower for years and I was huge. Kinda masculine even. I never thought it could happen to me but it did/does.
  12. I has to run errands for someone then drive someone else to airport I will drive 4 hours 2day
  13. Trying to distance myself...he is weird this weekend. Wonder whats up...? Prob had a arguement with 'HIM'.
  14. Wow, your still vewy vewy pretty but...YOU WERE A KNOCK0UT! Nice shoulder pads....I remember that era. Heehee!
  15. AWWWW! One thing I can say, I sleep well at night. Always did what was right by the wee ones.
  16. I toast my coffee to the awesome nesses of CANDYMAAAAN!

  17. I used shades eq when I was going for true red tones... less damage
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