Like crying but I wont let myself.
My health is failing, my friends fail me even more.
I only have like 2 that care or come see me when I have to go into the hosp.
thats it.
the rest are too busy spreading lies about me to care I guess.
I applied for 5 data entry jobs cause I can't hardly walk, my ankles are totally fucked. I have had many a severe sprain. I heard when i was younger and used to push will hurt when your older. I didn't care or believe it...then.
This shit is wearing me down big time. When I am done and get off, you should see me. I actually got up and walked to the back like a frickin cripple. Limping, bending over from a sore back...I mean a good nights rest and I am ok again for a few hours the next day...but I have to lay around all night resting. this sucks.