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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. Amused. Lets see, I went on OPDYKE yesturday with intent of persuing a lesbian.....! I love weird street names. Its pronounced updyke Then I came home down BIG BEAVER (no she does not have a gapping hole, she is nice and tiny) its a street name... Oh and the Health dept where ya go get hiv testing (all swingers do it every 6 months to be nice) Is on VAN DYKE which is V.D. when abbreviated how funny iz that eh?
  2. er didn't that lockness pic get discredited already...thought it did
  3. swivel hips and bling teeth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuFykZOSPxM
  4. The pinky and the brain song. If I meditated everyday instead of a few x a week this would not happen. Its driving me crazy...I have listened to EVERYTHING trying to...replace it? But It comes back. to upset to meditate today my mind wont stop worrying.
  5. Like crying but I wont let myself. My health is failing, my friends fail me even more. I only have like 2 that care or come see me when I have to go into the hosp. 2. thats it. the rest are too busy spreading lies about me to care I guess. ~sigh~ I applied for 5 data entry jobs cause I can't hardly walk, my ankles are totally fucked. I have had many a severe sprain. I heard when i was younger and used to push myself...it will hurt when your older. I didn't care or believe it...then. This shit is wearing me down big time. When I am done and get off, you should see me. I actually got up and walked to the back like a frickin cripple. Limping, bending over from a sore back...I mean a good nights rest and I am ok again for a few hours the next day...but I have to lay around all night resting. this sucks.
  6. I WAS deleting profiles and whatnot in order to curb internet addiction, and drama. And gossip. Had a looong talk with some hippies the other day. Anytime I want to come back down to earth...thats where I turn. It works. They were saying how invasive the internet is to one's life...if one is not careful to keep all of one's buisness er yah...I need to work on that... I do believe its hindering my social skills. Maybe a bit. Yup. Its starting to happen even to me. And I am NOT shy. Like, you all didn't know that...heh. I still like DGN though, its about the only site I still frequent.
  7. Ha! shovel snow? I hate it here right now x3
  8. Eclectic solitare pagan here...used to go to cc since like 2000 after a couple took us. Not so much anymore. welcome!
  9. or, in the immortal words of Ash, "Come get some." good one.

  10. I have two one glows there is going to be a tat contest at irock soon...hope to make it.
  11. you made coffee, I figured it would be tea. Hope I see him when he is here.
  12. I am going to go drive all the way to the west side to pick up a kid of mine who has no car now. at least he finally gave her a key I was afraid she would be locked out. Today will be a good day i hope to go to the works tonight for techno techno techno <------thats me dancing to the beat of the drum in my skull.
  13. You Are 66% Open You're a pretty open person - and you don't mind sharing the good, bad, and sometimes ugly. And while you do catch yourself blabbing on from time to time, you usually exhibit restraint. You're openness is quite refreshing, and it encourages other people to be open with you! How Open Are You? gawd I thought it would be somewhere around 90. go figure
  14. or said. My kids have grown and moved out for the most part. Lately all the cute things they said and did have been coming back to me BIG TIME! Like this one. I would get frustrated and thing 2 (always the helpful one) would say....do you need somthing mommy? And I would say 'a lobotomy' and she would say...'alobotayou?" "...ok, I go get you a lobotayou...you feel better now?" She thought a lobotomy was a lobota me. LOL then if they wanted to play in the back yard they would both say (they had twin speak) ahindtheoutside. (thats behind the outside, as in behind the house, and outside...) they still say cute things though. sometimes like when they were young. It still cracks me up to.
  15. well lets see. I was suppose to be getting laid right now...but I am mad that he is sooo damn demanding. I DO HAVE A LIFE since you just want sex and nothing else I wont make much time for you. I have two art projects, one music project and two houses I am working on. That enough for you asswipe? I know he gives good head but to text...mmm I want a blow job? 8 mile is <----------that way (for me from where I sit anyway) hell I can get oral from a girl. Oh and family visiting. I have family coming. I have company coming...an appointment in an hour to fix my sore neck...and I just spilled bleach on my fav pants fuckshitgoddamnmotherfucker when using bleach, just go nakey. Trust me the shit splashes everywhere...tiny lil drops of white on my black pin stripe pants I am so f-ing pissed!!!
  16. Supposably I am vicitim of a family curse. I used to believe you had to believe in it to draw it to you...not sure anymore. Maybe if I just sit in a corner and meditate 'bad vibes' wont get me....but I can't do that all the time.
  17. that is indeedy do a nice ring! very original looking!
  18. that was my fav book as a kid BEFORE it became major popular. I think I still have the original print somewhere around here...the cover is missing. OMG it looks awesome! I am taking the kids! yes, they are 20. so what???
  19. I appreciate all you guys do. It can't be easy trying not to 'take sides' keep it clean yet interesting...ect..ect..on the local goth board that gets bombarded with messages everyday must be like having a second job. Someone said to me the other day DGN is all losers, old people (me!) geeks...musicians that suck...why do you stay on? You know why? cause they get rid of LOSERS LIKE YOU WHO CAN'T TAKE IT thats why. fuck you. Ha! In case he reads this. Cause I know he will. complain all you want but I know you still come BAAAACK! THEY ALWAYS DO
  20. http://www.crunkgames.com/?p=11&page=3
  21. going to be a nice long weekend of sex and music. I am happy.
  22. think they have been...ever? Something NOT brought on by oneself.
  23. celebrating! I don't has to go out today whooo hooo! coarse that means I might have to sunday now watch it fuckin rain that always happens then he'll say oh it makes digging easier anyway yah right like when I fall on my ass in the mud...yah nice. Then someone said there is something wrong with me...i might go out and prove to them just how FUCKING RIGHT YOU ARE! mahwahahaaa!
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