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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. hey now isn't this cheating in your own thread?? Cause boo-tay makes perfect sense to me! so does ta ta's
  2. I wish you didn't live so far I wanted to throw you a engagement party....maybe necto? I have a friend in westland might let me use her house...what do you think? They have a pool, we could wait till its warm
  3. common peeps where is your congrats?? everyone said it couldn't happen... *pist...I believe they met on DGN*
  4. The year the world is suppose to end...DR STRANGE!! will come save us all. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1211837/
  5. amused...one treatment for anal pain is ice packs??? and how am I suppose to get an ice pack to stay between my cheeks... oh boy isn't that sexy. me with my ass up in the air and a pack of peas between my crack.
  6. waiting for my herbs to arrive as I needs them, me tummy hurts.
  7. Congrats Jeremy. She must be one helluva gal.
  8. good....considering I am about to try anbesol on my hemorrhoid...this after I had what I call o ring surgery... damn things just wont go away
  9. ok well.... go ahead and laugh... and lets not forget... what can I say...13 yr olds have questionable taste at best...
  10. Aw, it just means your squeezably soft...like charmin.
  11. For those of you still searching...a single pal of mine is finding love connects on mocospace, she says its great.
  12. getting ready to scrub my awesome wheels and go do a retouch
  13. Gimp that was awesome... I used to be all anti torture or even jail but if you put someone like this in jail they will get beat up anyway so its sorta the same... After hearing how many people are released for violent crime and end up doing it again to someone else.... Torture might not be such a bad thing. I heard the taser makes you hypoglycemic and that there are a few lawsuits?
  14. Lets say someone has just commited the most HENIOUS act you can think of. Your in charge of delivering the punishments. What would your method of torture be? Should the punishment fit the crime...? Take for example the lady in hamtown who burned her kids eyelids. Personally I would shove glass up her urethra, weld it shut so she explodes from a piss filled bladder. I know it has nothing to do with ovens or eyes...but the burning part...dunnoo..exploding bladders. Thats gotta hurt. When constructing torture its good to know about the human body and pain threshholds and how things effect one on a physiological level. Like the taser. I am borderline hypoglycemic so that one would be baaad for me.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vouDK-LELEU no can do...oh I.... fuck it and fuck life
  16. dunno really...gonna go get stoned...? Yah. And rest my elbow. I think I hurt me elbow.
  17. Like I am living in my alternate goth reality. Like this quantum theory thingy....alternate dimensions that overlap or not...two or three different possibilities all happen but....dunno...maybe there are two other of me...and maybe one of those is on a tropical isle with a drink in one hand and a hottie on the other arm and I am layin in the shade of a palm tree in love But this life I am stuck in some cold miserable place all alone and its sucky sucky sucky and dark and just ~sigh~ At least I had a pink sunset and a moon on the way home.
  18. try walking through snow up to your ass in 12 degrees for an hour. Ouchies the toes.
  19. getting ready to take a bath so I can go to bed early so I can get up early and do the counter top thing I am so sore
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