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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. that tis cute. You guys are sooo perfect together...and...extra points for the can of faygo
  2. amused at the worst office I got drunk and did a bad thing [party] story ever
  3. No, I do not want a taste....is that a trick question?
  4. holding me baby puss...he is sooo sweet purrrr
  5. I feel like some of the original cast of (insert local goth board here) are missing and it makes me sad indeed. why don't they just make up phony profiles like the assholes do and come back. Oh yah. Cause they are not assholes.
  6. waiting for the paint to dry so I can varnish
  7. I am sooo sore from shoveling, I had to do 3 yesterday ever have a day where anything but short words all look misspelled to you? I hate the English language...to many silent things and extra crap gotta go knock the snow off from behind the tires as I hear it’s bad for your car...and I am cold. SICK OF IT!!! I was happy to see snow a month ago...now I not so much. Oh and I am sad my trip got cancelled on account of the economy but I am happy this winter there was lots of snow as it makes the lake levels rise and permafrost happen, good thing.
  8. Me too...spanks for everyone lols panty hose look horrible and that line is never on your crack...is always crooked. I was in Barnes and Noble last week and before hand me and thing 2 went out for burritos. I swear I did the stinky and a guy walks around the corner just then...so I walk away...thinking maybe if I go stand by somenone else... He fuckin followed me! I think it gave him a boner. He was SNIFFING THE AIR! Fuckin weirdos. I danced topless when I was younger and we had this big butt dancer who used to do the fart in your face private dances...guess its a fetish..she made damn good money too. Gross as fuck. Its disgusting. I asked her what her secret was as most of us were rail thin and she told me...I fart in their faces on request and they like it. One of my most embarrassing moments dancing...I didn't know my tampon string was showing...I learned after that to cut it short and tuck it in...no one told me. Some guy in perv row points...and goes...'miss ya got something hangin there!'
  9. I don't have to go in today...and its not snowing so I have no one to rescue... I should be working on my mother in laws spice rack (I dont buy gifts anymore unless its used or online cause of TRULY BLACK friday) Ah dgn the procrastination board
  10. slipknot is tomorrow night...me kids are goin without me as I can't really afford it this week
  11. Oh suppose when your in a store and you think all is clear....let one go just as someone is walking around the corner
  12. Roseville... I believe I used a 48066 zip when I signed up as I live like, right by the welcome to sign...
  13. Making calls and watching Ellen...no 700 club for me...or Martha..
  14. Good after dancing in my living room...I am ready to go shovel peeps snow piles yay! I wish my male cat wouldn't sleep on my legs now my knee wants to dislocate damnit Wake up and he is always in the same spot on my knee.... I don't feel good about telemarketing but I has to do it...hate me if you will... sooo I feel good and bad....but its ok. I handle rejection well. (puff)
  15. Ol dirty bastard, I know he is an old d b and I USUALLY hate rap and rappers but for some reason I love this guy. the M.C, Crackhead joke (yah we know you didn't spend it all on cars) white people who can't dance....(I got sidetracked) this song rocks Kelis remix of baby I got your money
  16. let down. The trip to FLA is off, she got turned down for a job...big surprise...
  17. I am hypnotized by this guy dancin' on your page.

  18. I discovered a new band from the stones discussion thats one of the best things about this site
  19. thinking some females MUST find this attractive...
  20. Find a nar a non sponsor Personally go to ACOA meetings as my problems (according to my therapist) yes I saw one for awhile...big deal... suggested it was a better group for me... try them all...AA has lots of off shoots Just talking with peoole who still stuggle with wanting to just GO OUT AND DO IT after oh say 10-20 yrs....sheds so much light on it...it makes it easier to not do it seeing how others still struggle with it. Your going to want it. Until you have quit long enough to have an AVERSION to it then you will HATE users and thats a good thing, its your self defense mechanism at work. You'll see lines at a party and walk out...not go partake... Its only one meeting a week and a sponsors number in case you feel weak during the week. Its only about an hour or two long and it helps SO MUCH they don't let you just sit and piss and moan either. Its about finding solutions and getting past the blocks. http://nar-anon.org/michigan.htm I had slipped up a few x since I quit but always come back to them and they always set me straight. This lady I know is losing everything because of her addiction...her kid will be next no doubt when they find out she is pawning everything for it...as she is on welfare... I tell ya what. The most important thing to me is how my kids see me. I don't want them to hate me...and am sure you don't either. Just doing it once in a while leads to all the time if your an addictive personality like me. Hell I get addicted to even non substances. I kinda suck about that. I try to be strong and do yoga and meditate but when My life sux I reach for chocostarbucks.
  21. freez-fre-freeaz- freezing me a-arse off can you tell I am shivering? I hate going out into the cold. Every broken bone I ever had aches and of that, there are MANY
  22. being pissed My time matters I hate last minute cancellations like I am some frickin after thought or something guess I am lucky she called at all...as sometimes they JUST DONT do anything and leave ya hangin'
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