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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. printing out info I need to get a job done...eating beef jerky
  2. I can't name a bunch o bands but I do like it...better live... Got my dad a 'vintage' cd for christmas... Old school rockabilly... Really need to get more into it and get out and see some live performances more.
  3. Oh pretty pretty PUHLEEEEZ cans I plays wit it??
  4. I am no longer me. HE has taken over. I am just a cat lap...I am only allowed to use it to work or go to the store to buy his food.
  5. resting ankles between house cleaning...chatting on the phone and shit
  6. I will donate all usable parts then come back and haunt through those parts...the kidney will start talkin to ya in your sleep...you'll see fire breathing dragons through my eyes... Oh and if I donate my body to science I will haunt in the lab as well...muwahaha...I already have a voodoo priest in line for the task.
  7. sneezes...don't have the 300 bucks for air duct cleaning, may try this myself...lordy help us...
  8. NONE and tis good to have a still quiet mind for a change. I likes it. I has to listen to crap most of the time its hard to get it out of there
  9. Like mineral oil is a miracle cure...like I has lubed parts now and things are moving along just fine...heh
  10. Like everything that happens, happens for a reason that with time, the right time will be in season that I saw this coming and could not run That weathering the storm is not much fun I think this goes in the terrible goth poetry thread...
  11. sounds like someone is jealous of the stepson
  12. I want a job that doesn't make me develop cankles...damnit
  13. nice name ya came up with there...almost as good as mine..*wink*

  14. pissed I have been asked to do cash again Until 10 pm this sux I had plans at 7:30 I hate doing the drop its always me where ever I go i get the shit work or the dangerous stuff thats what I get for being a punk I guess
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM8qT9Xop5k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TKrMbM0K6E...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCLU4dqx_Is...feature=related
  16. random *hug* sent your way

  17. good...lately no time for anyone but myself mostly so feelings...intune-nesses? with forces of the city and nature...from before...like a few years ago before I got distracted...are coming back to me...and its good
  18. constipated...not sure if it was mineral or caster oil, either way its gonna suck ick nasty in me mouth
  19. freezing and can't believe someone would be impressed with a guy over his moves on the dance floor of a goth club lol most people in there dance like the freaks they be there is only like 5-10 good dancers
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