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Everything posted by Homicidalheathen

  1. I don't care if men no likey me glasses. Contacts suck. At least if I wear glasses I won't run into a wall with my face. Broken noses look worse, believe me. Rather be called 4 eyes than flat nose.
  2. avoiding temptations, easy when your broke.
  3. see? I told you I was having a tough week... seems the arthritis is now in my jaw, nice...hurts like hell...and a toe I broke like 20 fuckin years ago.
  4. Replace the she's with he's, and the only know her name part to know him a bit well and there you have it. IN A NUT SHELL...HAHAHA! Yah. Gotta watch the shells, er nuts. Phil C invisible touch INVISIBLE TOUCH Well I've been waiting, waiting here so long But thinking nothing, nothing could go wrong, ooh now I know She has a built in ability To take everything she sees And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her. She seems to have an invisible touch yeah She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart She seems to have an invisible touch yeah It takes control and slowly tears you apart. Well I don't really know her, I only know her name But she crawls under your skin, you're never quite the same, and now I know She's got something you just can't trust It's something mysterious And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her. She seems to have an invisible touch yeah She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart She seems to have an invisible touch yeah It takes control and slowly tears you apart. She don't like losing, to her it's still a game And though she will mess up your life, You'll want her just the same, and now I know She has a built in ability To take everything she sees And now it seems I've fallen, fallen for her. She seems to have an invisible touch yeah She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart She seems to have an invisible touch yeah It takes control and slowly tears you apart. She seems to have an invisible touch...
  5. lady with shark butt syndrome, and no head...swallow ninja turtle things whole
  6. the answer to how many good years, but you always take time to write well and think about what you say and it makes sense.

  7. I love the flapper look/era people don't often realize how mad these girls were making their conservative mums showing leg like that...it takes guts. I would love it if extravagant hats came back, for women. I don't see many wild styles in the store, and the only people with guts to wear them are older women. most of them are itchy, as well.
  8. I heard drug dealing in prisons is big buisness I hope all guilty parties involved pay someday, bigtime. My condolenses to Robin and Leslie I always read these posts Miranda as I too find forensics and crime stories facinating She must have been a smart lady, 4.0 in that field is not easy.
  9. um, no more road construction gas prices to stay down him to say yes (and mean it)
  10. http://www.funnymos.com/to-the-rescue.html
  11. the vinegar and honey water rememdy and its why I don't want to get up in the morning...er...afternoon lol
  12. not as taken advantage of as usual...at least she paid me for gas yesturday... she gets impatient with me now as she is handicapped but in a way so am I with this finger problem i cant work as fast or long
  13. wonder if this cats name is cheese head is that suppose to be a cube?
  14. heehee! i squisha you head! i too try to find willing suspects for such poses
  15. happy! the holistic route is working so far!!!! no needles in my joints so far
  16. me, as google,..........Yahoo.com, Google.com, vampvoluptuous, SkYFiRe, ~Tszura~ (2), phee (2), Spook, pheramoans, Azeuron (+), Head Wreck, Gaf The Horse With Tears, Tuomaaca, Cobion.com, Rev.Reverence (3), Eevee, BooHoo, foreverknyght......who only lurks
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