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Paper Hearts

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Everything posted by Paper Hearts

  1. Steve, I said it was cool as long as you didn't hit on me, wtf? ^
  2. Look, there were only 2 right answers, one was explorer, and the other was an old-time gangster and I was the only one to guess either of those.
  3. Okay, everybody got it wrong except me.
  4. I was just thinking about land exploration, how cool things must have been in the age of discovery. I've decided that being an explorer is the coolest occupation that man has ever known. Charlevoix, Cook, Marquette-those were some real chaps. So, I want to know if anyone has anything different, has anyone something else-if you could travel back in time, what would you be? And...what do you think Phee would have been like in a gladiatorial arena?
  5. "Dear Crank, What I like to do is rearrange the letters and pretend it means something different, like this: POCE-People's Olives Can Explode, or this: CEPO-Can't Everyone Piss Off? or this one: CPOE-Cat People Open Envelopes. Finally: EPOC-Elvis Presley On Crack."
  6. I drink a lot of water, not sure if it's enough. Talking about alcohol was more fun, wasn't it?
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