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Everything posted by Mikielikesit

  1. I think it just took a while for the program to recognize me and dig deep down into my computer and latch on to my hard drive......
  2. Hey i joined the team but it doesn't recogize me as a member whats up with that i have seti on my computer and it seems to be working fine now and i joined ...i just tried to join again and it won't let me it says I am a member already........I wanna be low man on the totem pole......GEEZ what does a guy have to do to get behind in this world....
  3. Ok this stuff rocks i just joined up and for some reason it won't completely link up but it is trying.....
  4. Sitting here contemplating doing my homework....I have to read the book COMMON SENSE by Thomas Payne and do a book report on it.....geezzzz
  5. Very cool beans another person who is in the know.......42 Not white but that other color....... Whats that other color?
  6. ok whew that was starting to get on my nerves really it was....it would not let me add DGN as a friend....ok now all is right in my universe
  7. Playing an on line vamp game and just fiddle farting around ....
  8. yup its over here...and its over by the where and the over there.. are you confused yet?
  9. Meg's Minions are building .....Join the legion Oh heres a pic of little ole me ...but you will probably not ever see me at CC due to me living in California....
  10. I am listenning to the voices inside of my head.........
  11. I hope this was not wrote about my comment, because I was not trying to be rude I was just playing with Phee. What I posted was not meant to be rude or to be a jerk I am just really playful.........really I'm a nice guy. I think we all need not take ourselves so seriously, life is serious enough we don't have to make it any harder. I love to make people smile with my silly little comments and loved to be made fun of too ...it's very healthy to laugh especially at your yourself. Remeber no one gets out alive........Oh yeah Phee NANNAR NANNAR NANNAR......That is all
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