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Everything posted by Mikielikesit

  1. Yes many many more...... How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  2. The need to get out of my world and think about something else for a while....... What is Treason?
  3. No I think your below average .......you need a list like Satan Claws...Know what I mean jellybean? If you had 1 day to live who would you spend it with?
  4. Geez.....there thats done .......I need to really watch what I am doing......ok so i am offically a support in mind, body, spirit and now wallet...... :peanutbutterjellytime
  5. Hey Troy I just set up a donation but I don't think I set it up right for a monthly thing which I was trying to do. Is there anyway we can check to see if I done did it right.......MIKE OOPPSS I am a dork I guess if I read everything thoruoghly I would see what i was suppose to do......I will sign up next month for the monthly thingymabob....... :confused :doh
  6. Nope sorry I flow to my own little rhythm.........oh thats right I ain't a women sorry Have you ever thought that some people just need killin'?
  7. Not particularly....but most of them are buried in the same cementary Do you like the cementary at night?
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