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Saint Germain

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Everything posted by Saint Germain

  1. Let's keep this a bit weird http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mx_mv6o1Uk
  2. What happens when a German metal band starts to produce a crossover of jazz and dark ambient. The result is called Bohren & der Club of Gore. They self described as an "unholy ambient mixture of slow jazz ballads, Black Sabbat doom and down tuned Autopsy sounds" It's definitely not the appropiate music for a club or to dance, but intead it's the perfect company for a gloomy nightride beneath the orange citylights or when you need just a little time for yourself and a glass of single malt at a long evening.
  3. Who is the world's biggest badass, the Ayatollah of awesome, he who bestrides our universe as a colossus? Just a couple of years ago, a lot of people thought it might be Chuck Norris, but it turned out that the kickboxing Mr. Potato Head couldn't even get Mike Huckabee elected. Meanwhile, filmmaker Werner Herzog was turning out some of the best work of his career at a dazzling rate. One of these, the documentary Grizzly Man starring the tragic naturalist wackadoo Timothy Treadwell, was recently selected by the Times of London as the fourth best movie of the past decade. http://www.nerve.com/entertainment/2009/11/17/five-reasons-werner-herzog-is-more-badass-than-chuck-norris
  4. -Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the the universe.- A. Einstein
  5. He who illuminates the darkness to teach it about itself, destroys it.

  6. Rome, perfect for a long winter evening.
  7. Don t wonder. I took once lessons in Medieval German Fencing from a texan.
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