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Saint Germain

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Everything posted by Saint Germain

  1. It's simple. Offenses are recorded by a speed camera that made a picture of the plate and the drivers face. After that the vehicle keeper gets a letter which told him to pay the fine. But the vehicle keeper is not automatically liable for this, only the actual driver during the offense. So, the simplest way to avoid the fine is to say "My entire family/company is using this car and I have no clue who did it at this time". At extremely or frequently offenses they do home visits, but in minor cases you got a real chance to got away with it. And now you can image how FB's facial recognition helps our cops.
  2. Police over here uses FB to capture speeders and tailgaters. So, it's not cool anymore.
  3. This is for Chern Der Blaue Reiter - The Liquidators
  4. M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder Fritz Lang's first sound film
  5. Well, here is the situation a little bit different. People who hear Neofolk (or Apocalyptic Folk or Folk Noir or Dark Folk or whatever Folk) have a unlinke appearance than "casual" Goths. So, I would not say that only the sound differs. Here is a Alpine inspired Song. Graumahd - Auwaldschatten http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjLWc7eiXSA
  6. Good choice, Sir Rome - To die Among Strangers One of my favorite of newer Folk songs
  7. Stormfågel are the sort of band you need if you find Dead Can Dance too cosy and comfortable.
  8. As desired.. Der Radwechsel Ich sitze am Straßenhang. Der Fahrer wechselt das Rad. Ich bin nicht gern, wo ich herkomme. Ich bin nicht gern, wo ich hinfahre. Warum sehe ich den Radwechsel mit Ungeduld? Imho the correct translation would be "wheel replacement" Brecht, who had fled from the Nazis in the thirty's and later from House Un-American Activities Committee, wrote this poem after the Uprising of 1953 in East Germany. At this time he was aware that the alleged workers' paradise was ruled just by another regime.
  9. Not that dark, but quite cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmdohLV9Eug&feature=related
  10. Changing the Wheel - Bertolt Brecht I sit by the roadside The driver changes the wheel. I do not like the place I have come from. I do not like the place I am going to. Why with impatience do I Watch him changing the wheel?
  11. I am most time more a lurker than an active user. But the downtime made me really missing the community. Nevertheless, hope that I could help.
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