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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. community farming. seriously i produce more bell peppers than i need, more runner beans than my entire family can stand and before i had enough tomatoes cucumbers courgettes and obergenes i needed. i have lettuce in flower coxes and a few basic herbs. i also have a bay tree in the back and my conference pears should start producing. now if if a few people start producing their own and trade/barter with others for bits of produce that they don't grow. all food waste composted (tip, night crawler worms are voracious, and the urine is a great fertiliser when watered down for preparation of a new plant bed. and people over there have much bigger gardens than over here i notice. i actually have a 6 acre field that's designated agricultural land i am so tempted to break up and rent out allotments for gardeners for quite cheap, as the land doesn't encour any charges as it is and is just sitting there after my grandfather retired from beekeeping
  2. hopefull about this lead angel has on a job, in love bit wiped out after the nephew (dubbed "fingers") decided that everyone needs to be up to play chase with him at 5am
  3. sometimes you have to take the crumby jobs until something comes along. just because it isn't there now, doesn't make it the schools fault. i qualified in mechatronics, it was a boom industry here in 1998, by the time i graduated with merits in 2000 the auto industry here went completely down the pan having a knock on effect onto all engineering firms. few years of bar work, more uni and crumby shelf stacking jobs, i end up where i am now "for the meantime" and its proving to be a boon in this climate
  4. fucking michigan state. just wat are my monthly ins and outs i think i seriously need to proactively chase the night shift what is the theojine content of La fee parisian? fucking michigan state fucking hoop jumps
  5. not being there for her and wih a million in the bank
  6. seething, thinking planning. and clock watching
  7. for this big fucking mess to be over and done gone and angel to be here with a british passport
  8. i hope everything is straightened out, unlikely this will be the last of it but i hope and pray for it
  9. Happy for a friend having a job interview. i was a little panicked earlier but now slightly more eased, nails are bitten past the quick and still going however
  10. You have failed the practice citizenship test. Questions answered correctly: 11 out of 24 (46%) Time taken: 04 minutes 23 seconds Please select 'Test summary' for a full summary of your test and for advice on how to use the Official Handbook and Study Guide to prepare for the actual test. Please note: At the end of the actual test, your answers will not be displayed on screen. At the end of the test session the test supervisor will tell you whether you have passed or not.
  11. that the dream i had of angel being with me in the UK was just to real.
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