or kids kicking the fucking chairs.
both ways this trip. fucking British all girls boarding schools on their annual skiing trip. and every time i had my chair kicked repeatedly all the way through.
jeesus. they hand out amphetamines as part of the inflight teens menu now?
I'd set him to work whilst i wanted to go away so Leave wouldnt be an issue for spending 6 months over with angel to get this thing sorted at monster pace
just use the questionare i fill in on the plane and the ESTA
why the US govt thinks that asking me the same questions twice improves things i dont know
i love your eyes and your figure too. but yes, legs and figure made very good eye candy
i have been told and do believe my eyes are my best thing. just a shame i have to hide them behind glasses which crap up quickly
6 months unpaid leave from work (possibly going part time afterward), 6 months in US getting everything sorted on a day by day mission.
and this to do the commute