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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. playing favourate uncle whilst talking to my precious
  2. chatting to jinx scrabbling my brain for logical courses of action in my not so logical mind
  3. thinking about the future. time to stop existing and start living
  4. only of all you people who are physically closer than i
  5. really appreciative of ^^^^^^^ i mean really appreciative
  6. extremely fucking worried about angel. and fucking livid at someone i've never met. this is exceptionaly rare for me
  7. spring i am certan

  8. well of and sucessfull enough to uproot tomorow and begin a clean slate with someone
  9. jittery and with butterflies. in a good way. a realy good way
  10. handing in my goth card. havent been morose for a few weeks now
  11. bit of a minor headache. methinks from tea deprivation yesterday.
  12. just woke up and showered after colapsing at gone 1am last night.
  13. plans are being drawn. climbing gear bought to stick a welsh flag on some random monument
  14. never underestimate cupid. the bugger attacks when your not looking for him!
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