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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. suicide king - Machines of Loving Grace
  2. marking out a hole on some old BDU trousers to cut to stick a reindeer tail out of
  3. about to start packing my gear for sunday and deciding on either the AK74 or the minimi
  4. putting my reindeer costome safe for sundays game
  5. glad to see i'm not the only one who looked at wolf brigade and thought "why not" and bought 1 more part closer to completion of my vacuum former
  6. watching monkey dust clips and giggling
  7. talking on IM and wondering why every other act on the royal variety performance is a drag act
  8. well my last crush only stood when she was propped up and inflated
  9. just got home from training. looking at a " we called and you weren't in" slip and listening to the latest comedy of errors from said company that my friend is experiencing
  10. waiting to go to martial arts class. last but one meeting of the year the rest of the year i'll have to self discipline around the Christmas gluttony and engagements
  11. okay that see-through V8 looks better than the see-through straight 4 that Haynes are selling.
  12. devouring a hapless potato, having IM conversations, and looking for a phone charger
  13. like i wish i were as articulate as i'd like to be and still pretty powerless
  14. just got back from work. digesting the news and finding a few things that slipped under the radar, oh and more of my predictions on product releases came true.
  15. coolness. i knew spiders used blood presure for limb controll but not the blood structure itself other than its blue
  16. allready have the black. but want this tanning efect
  17. puzzled. and bemused how much of a panic you can get couriers in once they realise what they had accepted a contract tou convey a shipment its UK leg of its international journey
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