though crushes with me always brighten my mood, and i do concern myself for that person, its still got room to grow, or just peter off into a good friendship.
crushes are positive things none the less
i rather enjoyed having long hair with an equal length fringe in an office. but step outside on a windy day and i could not see for the hair. being blow out of its place and where it naturally wants to go.
not so much as a fasion crime (could be technically) but the fauxhawk.
its awfull. but yet usefull..... as every person i've dealt with who has one has been an utter knobbend. more often than not you can smell the teenage bullshit from 5 yards off
that'd depend on my finances for 2009. there are many i did not catch last time round who were actually in detroit at the time! so a return visit is on the books
glad someone dragged me out of my hovel yesterday even if the sheep were out in force and i had some random woman spill her drink over me (not poured btw, just to clarify).
thanking the powers that be that i do not get hangovers.
otherwise the dogs making an excited yawn/yelp sound and the nephew screeching to wind said dogs up would be unbearable
Tina Root has a new project called Tre Lux.
not sure what Susan Wallace is doing.
if you like switchblade rev, try Cindergarden. their latest album is free to download (or was) of their myspace.
another to my list. Holly Jacobs, formerly of the hissyfits and she did a song under the name of Luxx Lisbon.