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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. fucking customs and excise not allowing me to take wood on a plane... :D still pondering that dark room
  2. pondering dissapearing for a few hours into a dark room with headphones on as an excuse to to be running up and down the stairs for people with a badly bruised knee (i fucked up in training this morning)
  3. completely and utterly fucked off. took me 2 days to get back into the real me and all my break has done is reminded me to how i hate this living situation i have been in and will continue indefinatly. back to beck and call 24/7 and time to dull out my independant personality
  4. full belly of indian. and anoyed. i came home to find siste and sprog in the house. i was hoping to clean the house a little more before they called
  5. discussing old "war stories" with a team mate, including the time we holed up in an area and managed to cut the attacking force of 40 down to 10 and tying up the other 10 with pure frustration at where we had dug in in relation to thier objectives. and other daft moments
  6. thinking i should probably go to bed and blitz the house tomorow before training as all i have done today is watch movies
  7. giving up on threading osprey system to pals/molle
  8. i like muse. details on the NOVESKE N4 Airsoft Training Rifle. it does tempt
  9. loving algebra. hating my promise to blitz the house with duster, vacuum and mop today.
  10. the sex and sexuality forum. if you need a password for it you will need to message one of the moderating staff. reason being is to try and keep the forums kid and work safe as possible
  11. think Victorian era tech doing the things we have now, such as information technology, auto mobiles, even in some genres space exploration. in the artistic sense its a subculture that strives to make current tech look like it was made in the 1800's and a lot of the industrial revolution tooling and apparel makes its way into daily and evening attire
  12. i think that picture belongs in the "other" section of the board
  13. the way this thread is going its getting most trialsome to maintain my British stiff upper lip
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