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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. relaxed. i has tea, battenberg, and tom waits
  2. Ziltoid The Omniscient - Solar Winds
  3. i dont like hats unless i haveto have them on tbh even that one was modifies TBH with a cut down top
  4. if the style suits yes. otherwise the wriong pair hides the face. i'n never confident about how my glasses look personaly but i cannot see anything without em
  5. Goldie Lookin chain - You knows i loves you
  6. cadburys creme egg and salt and vinigar flavoured corn snack pizza j/k amused as heck due to the CD playing. goldie lookin chain
  7. good. decent rock n' roll music and a pizza
  8. wondering what picture is making jinx squee. and pondering if its any worse than the photos from that 2 day house party i hosted. just got back from grocery shopping abnd cussing that the bit "i'm sure i'm missing something" was ginger to make some tea with
  9. i like being blonde. i'm allowed 2 blonde moments a day to explain completely stupid things
  10. latest gear purchase to trial out the importand duties of loungomng about and drinking tea along with my grey tee from training and a big black jumper to keep warm
  11. lazing about. before training trying to comfort the dogs who are missing my dad
  12. thats where you've been lurking!

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