I remember my friend Lal was recalling a time when he was a student, he had left the monastery to study different religions passing through many countries, and on this particular leg he was trekking with some catholic priests in Ireland when the rain came in.
in the middle of no where seemed this deserted cottage so they approached looking for shelter, and then noticed candlelight inside. Having gone out of their way they thought they had better knock and was welcomed inside by a young lady. who welcomed them in and shared what food she had.
from the next room they heard coughing and spluttering, and without asking the lady of the house said "oh that's himself, he should have passed on 2 days past now but he's still with us"
i found that attitude to be perculier,and wonder what most americans would think of that attitude
(on a side note the lady was a very caring person, but just realistic)