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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. i said balls once. it was great
  2. metropolis blew myu mind completely when i saw it. never expected a story that good or the effects to be so amazing for the technology available.
  3. seriously, all well and good about 2007, but what are your most highly recommended movies ever.
  4. *takes red and blue pill* where's the rave?
  5. dgn introduced me to many folks and allowed me to set up a much needed vacation 2 years back, which i want to repaet but without being such a burden on my hosts, phee and rayne were great
  6. i posted here once... ...it was great
  7. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=C30mM37qGhA
  8. not really, English was only standardised after the declaration of independence. we just like winding you up
  9. just call round a friends for tea/coffee. gaf has some good ideas, and i often wonder why you dont spend half your life in A and E cher
  10. i just think "FFS chris, your being ego, harden the fuck up, how on earth are you going to rebirth the british empire when your being an emo fag" then giggle at myself and i'm fine
  11. oh yes on dita. she was on top of my list for "places you'd like to play" on the airsoft forums
  12. its the body of the gun. the L119A1 is only issued to SF and recce units so photos are quite hard to find
  13. its a clear image of the markings on the receiver to the British army's L119A1 rifle built by Diemenco (now Colt Canada). and i have a CNC laser etcher and awaiting a set of blank receivers. barrel is on order, my lovely new ACOG is here, I'll have to make the front sight myself
  14. HAHAHAHAhheeeheeehehohohohaahahahehhehheh i know one guy who fits that bill unfortunatly, one of the nicest guys about actually but my god sometimes he just had the worst fasion sense imajine the above and a loose fitting kishapned dark navy trench and shorts. hywell, heres to you chief!
  15. the winning ticket for Fridays European lottery. 95 mil would have been handy for myself and a few others
  16. smart braubus roadster and a land rover Wolf with FRP and canvas tops
  17. erm. honestly i find dessies better in autumn. reds would go for redbrick areas but there's so little of it there's no point in any red aside from small fractions oranges and rds are pure fashion-flague http://www.kamouflage.net/en_030000.php a good resource btw but sill not a complete, its missing a few British patterns i can think of so god knows how many others
  18. trying to hold my eyes open whilst extracting a design of a logo from a photo
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