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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. sleep needed here. and protien in the form of fish. i ACHE. esp after raised pressups on fingertips (two fingers).
  2. yes I do indeed rock *shoots a johnny bravo pose*
  3. no i just thought it was a good thing to guage graphically. people can divulge if they wish, its up to them. and its definatly not meant to be a popularity contest.
  4. burying his head in the sand
  5. still lurking then?

  6. tempted to eat the chocolate pudding from a ration pack as i'm peckish and its lying near my PC (unpacked my gear in my library again as i'm to lazy to walk to my gear shed down the bottom of the garden)
  7. watching 9th pota again while cleaning discussing an event
  8. a while back i made this to put on my sig in other forums [url=http://www.detroitgothic.net] [img=http://walt.head-wreck.org/images/gallery/misc/userbars/dgntag.gif] [/url]
  9. "i dont know where you put your keys so stop asking me"
  10. seething. due to complications i cant go shoot people today. was looking forward to it
  11. packing webbing and rifle bags. looking for a small belt of dummy ammo for my minimi
  12. oooooh parma violets YUMMY must pack some next flight over
  13. trying to get this fucking via USB pci card to work with my mainboard. that or it gets prepared for a launch out a 3rd story window
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