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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. Headwreck cleans up kitties than he cleans out wierd bomb-head things
  2. *HW sends in the Ohster clone army he's been hiding*
  3. coffins are black corpses are blue this thread is back i'll necropost too
  4. i like cheese i like garlic the combination is moorish. Wreckie is now full.
  5. listening to the dead milkmens "the blues song" while re-formatting my MP3 player to get rid of crap songs and get my images folder in the correct order
  6. still working on that PC. bloody HDD formatting taking its sweet time
  7. data recovery on a PC from manchester whilst repairing a snapped PCB off my new secondhand treadmill
  8. how can you not like chicken! ffs, i've eaten in your country for a week and it put me right off red meats, you realise how far i had to walk to find somewhere where a salad was a salad, and not just a lettuce leaf with a few bits of cress and a cucumber slice. damn my british manners for not complaining about that
  9. bring out the ferrets of joy to dance the dance of happyness
  10. allready seen some myspace fallout, thanks for all involved with getting this back on its feet
  11. already! my kind of girl. about to put the toolkit away and go to bed.
  12. nah *hands odims a can of yak's milk labled strawbery milk*
  13. any of you try a mockney accent, be warned. i'm watching you!
  14. OMG reminds me of another image i have i have yet to use...
  15. sitting at my computer in agony. intesified chin ups.... a month ago i couldnt even do one ffs
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